Our vaunted Attorney General, Eric Holder, apparently has a lot of concerns about Arizona's new state law enforcing EXISTING Federal immigration law.....EXCEPT HE SAYS HE HASN'T READ IT YET!!! Come on Mr. AG, it's only about 10 pages long and written in pretty plain English. Surely you can find the time to peruse such a small document, especially since your Boss is so "inflamed" about it.
Here are the words of our Beloved AG: "I've just expressed concerns on the basis of what I've heard about the law. But I'm not in a position to say at this point, not having read the law, not having had the chance to interact with people are doing the review, exactly what my position is," Mr. Holder told the House Judiciary Committee.
I'm REAL GLAD you are not MY attorney! Perhaps, Mr. AG, you should find out the score before you go shooting your mouth off. As we say here in the South:"That dog won't hunt!" If you don't have time to find out the facts first, you need a new staff....or perhaps you should fire yourself for incompetency. Be sure and read the personnel guidelines first.....we wouldn't want a REAL LAWYER to tag you out for violating procedures or something else equally obscure.
Time to ClearYourBrainZ !!!
Reality check: This is the caliber of people we are allowing to govern us and operate our government agencies. This current Administration is very young, but already has been tarred with lots of high-profile uh-ohs. Have you noted the coverage by the mainstream media? The bias is almost laughable. Can you say soft-pedaled? Unless it's the current minority opposition involved, of course, then it's shouted from the rooftops! Inexperience, immaturity, and buffoonery abound at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest. Where are the adults?
Let's try to ClearOurBrainZ:
How can we determine the reality? Find out the facts by reading the legislation. Mr. AG!!! Pay attention, there will be a pop quiz at your next news conference.
Profiling???I think not....Cops do it every day, it goes like this:"Look, a thug(turd, slime, crook, weasel, bad guy)...what's he doing? I know him, I've locked him up 50 times." Is this profiling, folks? Nope, just common sense. If it looks like a thug, acts like a thug, talks and walks like a thug.....there's a pretty good chance it's a thug. Race never enters the picture(until the media and politicians arrive). Just good police work. Reasonable suspicion leads to probable cause leads to an arrest(perhaps)....all of which must be articulated by the officer(s) in their reports and testimony. The rest is up to the courts.
Critics of the Arizona law are saying it gives the police the power to stop those they suspect are in the country illegally and is bound to lead to profiling. IT DOESN'T SAY THAT IN THE LAW!!!
All kinds of big mouths are shouting about "profiling" and other "discriminatory" actions that MIGHT take place. Not one has, the law's not even in effect yet. Is is profiling to be asked for ID? Can you define reasonable suspicion and probable cause? Give examples? Most likely not, and neither can the Big Mouths(small brain variety). Wait and see what happens, THEN we can talk about changes to the law, or a repeal.
Race is not the issue here, as much as the race hustlers would like us to believe that it is. No issue, no job.....that's their concern. Sure there are some "ethical" people who are beating this same drum, but practically all of them are as ill-informed as our AG.
The reality is, neighbors, that the Federal Government has failed to protect the People of this country from "enemies" as required by the Constitution and their oaths of office. The Federal Government has failed to secure our borders. Arizona was forced to act in the face of an unrelenting, violent invasion of their State by foreign nationals. Americans are being killed and injured by these invaders at an alarming rate, yet our Great Leaders do nothing. Oh, they are prevaricating up a storm, but they aren't doing anything. Except, planning to "promote a path to legalization" which, translated, means: "They will all vote for us if we help them out!"
We would never accept or tolerate an invasion by armed forces from another country, why should we, or the people of Arizona, accept an invasion of foreign nationals from the failed narco-state immediately to our south? Or anywhere?
Take control of your Government at the polls and let's all face reality together! We may get our hands and clothes a little dirty, but hard work sometimes goes that way. Nothing will happen unless we do something. I'm sure we will make mistakes. If it's wrong, we'll fix it....but we must get started now.
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