Thursday, May 27, 2010

Alakazaaammmm!!! Magic 101

Misdirection of your attention and distraction are the stock-in-trade of the Magician. But, you allow yourself to be "deceived" by the Magician, for entertainment.

What about the same tactics being used against you by our elected and appointed government officials? How do you feel about that?

Buzzwords. Deception. Misdirection. Arrogance. Distraction. A "Father Knows Best" attitude on the part of our officials.

The furious ongoing debate over immigration continues. The main issue is how to address the problem of illegal immigration. The secondary issue is how to change our policy regarding levels of legal immigration. Next, what do we do about the illegals that are here? Bus them home? Encourage them to leave by drying up the jobs?

Who will cut my grass? Build my houses, work in my factories, wash my dishes? Who will harvest my crops, and do all the hard jobs that need to be done? Maybe some of the millions who are unemployed? Really? But, Americans won't do those kind of jobs, will they?

Have you ever been hungry, I mean, really hungry? If you have kids to feed, a family to support, hell, yourself to support, would you take a "hard" job to put food on the table, a roof over your head? You would, if you have a good "work ethic".

We are sometimes our own worst enemy. Where has the vaunted American Work Ethic gone? When Joe Sixpack gets enough beer and cigarette money for the week, he lays out of work and calls in sick(of working). Why do you think some employers use illegals in their operations? Because, they show up for work like it's a religion, work hard, and take on any task that needs to be done. They have a work ethic. Anyone who spends any time around such operations will see this very easily. Sure, the employers must know that so many of their "migrant" or "ethnic" workers are here in the US illegally. But, the employers have magnificent paperwork with which to cover their butts when the ICEMAN arrives. All of the media attention is focused on the "poor struggling people" who are "only trying to make a better life" and so on. Pick the sound bite or quote that makes you feel the most comfortable.

Why is not more attention focused on the root causes? Why are so few employers prosecuted? Why is there so little media coverage on the employers? Sure, once in a blue moon one is hammered by the press, or the ICEMAN. But not very often. Especially now, since the current administration has issued orders to concentrate on "other pressing concerns". More pressing than national security? Survival of our economy? Oh, I forgot, this is the age of change! Yes, it is, yes we can. Can what? What about some positive change? All we are seeing are the negative ones. Unemployment of American citizens. Record budget deficits. Ridiculous national debt levels. A lower standard of living.

Many contractors and small business owners who refuse to use illegal immigrant labor are forced out of business. Ask them! They can't compete against those who use illegal laborers, are underbid because the unscrupulous competitors using illegal labor have lower labor costs. If these honest contractors stick to their ethical guns, and abide by the law, they will shortly be out of business. Go to any job site, you can see for yourself. Go to the food processing plants. See for yourself. Go to the restaurants. See for yourself. I have. Go find out. Where are the college students working the summer jobs? Where are the unskilled and semi-skilled Americans working the lower-tier jobs? See for yourself--they are out of work. Millions upon millions of them. Go find out.

The current economy is focusing our attention on the effects of mass illegal immigration. When millions of US citizens cannot find work, why are we so concerned about a huge criminal class, a human tidal wave that is engulfing our country? A tidal wave that is straining it's services past the breaking point, breaking hospitals, swamping justice systems, and is demanding rights for "immigrants" and "migrants"? Of course, it is seldom mentioned that we are talking about people who break our laws by entering the country illegally. Illegal immigrants. Criminals.

There is no grey area here. If you enter this country without following the law, you are a criminal. Period. We have a procedure in place for legal immigrants. Yes, it needs work. But we cannot just throw open the door and invite the world. We would be trampled to death.

The last time an "amnesty", "adjustment", whatever you want to call it, was made, was during the Reagan administration. The result? A huge wave of more illegal immigrants that continues to this day and will really increase as talk or movement towards anything that smacks of amnesty gets closer. The "anchor baby" provision is a very foolish, outdated policy/law and should be amended. Just because you give birth to a child after you broke the law, entering the county illegally, is not a reason to reward you, or them, for that. I realize this is a very emotional issue. But the law needs to be amended to regain control of our immigration policy. Right now, it's swinging in the wind. We have to use common sense and face reality.

There is no task too big to address. None. Those who say so are defeatists, ignorant whiners, or have another reason to take such a position. They said we could never reach the moon, too.

There are always naysayers.

Whining is easy. Work is hard. Tough life, huh? Yes. Just reality. Just because you find it distasteful won't change the reality of the situation. Hard work, acceptance of reality, and applied intelligence, will.

We can solve this issue humanely, and we can also regain control of our borders. We will never be able to make everyone happy, that's reality. It's just impossible. But, we can reach a compromise to address this problem. We have to. To do nothing is to invite more of the same disorder and turmoil in which we now find ourselves embroiled.

So, the "advocates" and "officials" and "experts" say we can't close the border, it's too big a job, it would cost too much, it is a waste of time, we need the "migrants", fuel for the "melting pot", and so on.


Despair and whining will really get the job done, won't it?

Are we a people who believe in the rule of law, or not?

There is no grey area...if you enter this country illegally, you are a criminal. You broke the law. You think you should get special treatment because you are of a certain ethnic group? More smoke and mirrors.

Alakazam! (Poof! )You are legal!

Misdirection. Distraction. Sleight of hand. The Magician's friend.

Let's take a look behind the curtain:

DHS Janet Napolitano — "Everybody recognizes that our current system isn't working and that our immigration laws need to change."

" It is not so much that our immigration laws need to change, as enforcement of our immigration laws needs to change. It doesn't matter what laws are on the books if DHS will not enforce them. Napolitano's statement implies that, because foreigners continue to ignore our immigration laws, they need to be changed. That sidesteps the real issue, of how can foreigners and US employers be made to respect and comply with the law. The Administration's view appears to be that employers who want cheap labor, and foreign workers who want jobs, should be accommodated, rather than defending the best interests of the American people. Illegal immigration will continue, until there is widespread awareness that it will not be tolerated, and neither illegal aliens nor their employers will be able to continue to flout the law. Besides, the change in the law that the Administration advocates is an amnesty for the current millions of illegal aliens, and an increased level of legal immigration — both of which are rejected by the majority of Americans."

Napolitano — "I'm referring to what I call the "three-legged stool" that includes a commitment to serious and effective enforcement, improved legal flows for families and workers, and a firm but fair way to deal with those who are already here."

" All should agree that there should be "serious and effective enforcement." Clearly, if anyone who wanted to work in the United States were allowed to come legally, there would be less illegal immigration, but this would not be in the interests of U.S. workers and the general public. That is an issue that must be faced and cannot be glibly sidestepped. "Improved legal flows" means increased legal immigration. With more than a million immigrants receiving 'green cards' each year since 2000, current immigration is swamping the nation's assimilation capacity, and causing most of the rapid population increase that is jeopardizing the nation's environmental future. "A firm but fair way to deal with those already here" is a code term for amnesty. It means allowing illegal aliens to stay permanently, unless they have a criminal record. Requirements to pay some back taxes and to learn English are meaningless, because past practice demonstrates that these requirements will be forgotten, or waived in the process of granting legal status."

"So, of the three legs of the stool, only one leg — law enforcement — makes sense and has broad public support, and support for even that leg depends on what law is to be enforced and whether the enforcement is effective."

Who will benefit from an amnesty? The employers who will then have legal workers. The illegal immigrants who broke our laws--we will reward them for breaking the laws of our land? The Democratic Party, who will gain a large block of grateful voters?

What is the benefit to the huge numbers of unemployed US Citizens? What do we get out of an amnesty? Moral satisfaction? Can you pay your bills with that? Feed your children? Yourself?

Napolitano — "We have to make sure the immigration system works to support American families, businesses and workers."

By this, Napolitano appears to mean anyone living in the US. irregardless of their legal status. By referring to American families, she also appears to mean families which contain American citizens, the "anchor babies". The statement of support for American businesses appears to support the continuing access by employers to cheap labor, to permanently undermine wages and working conditions, and job opportunities for unemployed American workers. To perpetuate continued illegal immigration. What a deal, huh? She works for us? Really?

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

Reality check:

Illegal immigrants take jobs away from US Citizens. Americans.

Illegal immigrants use our hospitals and other public services without paying their way. Go to the emergency room. Go see for yourself.

Illegal immigrants routinely commit identity theft. They have to do so, in order to get most jobs. Have to cover my butt, says the employer.

Ask the IRS. Ask the people whose identities have been used by illegals to get employment, what effects it has had on their lives, and their credit.

Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, in most cases. Cash under the table is paid by unscrupulous employers. Napolitano — "[Amnesty for illegal aliens] will strengthen our economy as these immigrants become full-paying taxpayers." And be eligible for tax credits refunds, like the Earned Income Tax Credit and others for poor families with children. This is a net loss. Do the math.

Illegal immigrants send huge amounts of money out of the US back to their native countries every month. Over a billion dollars. Every month! No wonder Mexico opposes enforcement of our laws. They need the dough, rather, their economy needs it.

Illegal immigrants lower our quality of life.

Employers, many of them, love illegal workers, because they work for less money than US Citizens find acceptable. Anything for a buck. There is effectively little enforcement here. Less, since the Obama administration took charge. Said our head of DHS: Napolitano — "We have replaced old [interior enforcement] policies that merely looked tough with policies that are designed to actually be effective." Just the opposite has occurred, with the abandonment of enforcement actions in favor of paper audits. In the refusal of ICE to back up local law enforcement.

Labor Unions love the idea of an amnesty, they see their ranks swelling(and their power$$).

Illegal immigrants are seen by the Democratic Party as the voting block to "save their bacon". They must think Americans are idiots if they believe we don't see this.

American appetites for illegal drugs fuel the violence and the flow of contraband across our borders. We are causing a huge problem for ourselves. What will we do about it? We've tried prohibition, it was a total failure. Why are we repeating history?

Napolitano — "The security of the Southwest border has been transformed from where it was in 2007"

So, we made a little progress? We can quit now? More butt covering from the DHS head.

Our borders are NOT SECURE. Not even close. The flow must be stopped. Even if it takes the use of force. Unpleasant, maybe, to consider, but perhaps necessary. Just because we may not like this option doesn't mean we stick our heads in the sand.

Our legal immigration system and policies need work. No doubt about that. We must use rational thought and research to decide upon any changes. Not emotion. Not political rhetoric. Facts. Reality.

You must earn the right to become an American citizen. It is not a candy to be handed out to anyone who demands it. Follow the law. We welcome those who do so. We always have.

So where are we going? We, as a people, must find the answers. Our government is paralyzed by indecision and political partisanship. We have ineffective and weak leadership. It's our job to fix that. It won't be easy. The alternative is to surrender to the demands of the illegals and their proponents, all of whom have a vested interest in an amnesty. We have laws, we need to enforce them. Period. Any official who refuses to do so is breaking the law themselves, violating their oaths of office. Are we a nation who believes in, and applies the rule of law, or not?

Ignore the buzzwords and deceptive rhetoric. Find out the facts.

"Assimilation immigration"? "Comprehensive immigration reform? What do these labels mean? Is it a smokescreen for amnesty? Butt covering? Putting you back to sleep?

Find out. Make a decision. Work to make it happen.

Rein in the emotion, collect the data, examine the facts. Make a plan of action. Action! Not study, not "dialog", not "adjustment". Action! Only acting upon the plan will make a difference. We will make errors. We will adjust. But, we must persevere and stay the course.

Will we accept the challenge? Yes, we must.

The alternative is unacceptable.

Your comments, please.

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