Monday, May 24, 2010

Other points of view

Today, I want to share with you some correspondence to illustrate some points of view from outside our own little nest.

I recently ran across an article at the China Daily website that was intriguing. I'd like to share some of that with you . The article was written by Chen Weihua. You can read it for yourself here. It's a different view of some of our actions. Compare them to your own worldview as ask yourselves: Can I see myself, or my nation, as others do? Is there value in trying to understand other points of view?

Food for thought.

Here's my response to his article:

To: Chen Weihua, China Daily
May 19, 2010

Ni hao.

I wanted to give you my comments directly on your article today.

You raise many valid issues. It is true that Americans have many doubts about the use of unmanned drones in warfare. It pains everyone, both us and the victims, when the blood of innocents is shed unjustly. However, war is an ugly business. Often, non-combatants are killed or injured. So it has been from the dawn of time. Innocents were killed in the thousands by the attack on New York City twin towers, yet this endless cycle of death hasn't taught the lesson of such futility. Centuries-old grudges are constantly brought to the present by those who would seek to control and dominate others. We see it every day, both in world events, and even in the neighborhoods where we live. You see it, I see it. Yet, we, as a species, persist in this insanity of the sacrifice of our young men and women to the gods of war. When will we grow up and realize that we are beating our own heads against the wall? When will we learn to channel our aggression into the problems we face as a species?

The Pakistanis are angry. The Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Palestinians, and others like them, who chose to kill innocents in the name of their deity, or for perceived past wrongs, are angry. Everyone is angry at everyone else, or so it seems. We, here in America, would be delighted to make peace with them all, if they could be trusted to abide by their agreements. Unfortunately, they have proven, by their actions, to be untrustworthy. We reach out the hand in entreaty, and they bite it off. Where is the future in that? We are then left with no choice but to remain strong and defend ourselves. If a thief breaks into your home, and commits atrocities upon your family, are you not correct to resist?

I realize this is a rather simplistic example, but we must begin somewhere to reach an understanding. There are no simplistic solutions to such complex problems, you and I both know this very well. But, that doesn't mean we should stop trying.

Since, by your words, you visit the US, you see how things work here. I often visit your great country as well. I am sure you have many friends here, just as I have many friends in China and other countries. I assure you, we don't like this war, or any other. Having our young men and women come home in a body bag, lost forever to their family and loved ones, is not something we like, or will ever grow accustomed to. Yes, they are all volunteers, they chose to serve their country. But, their sacrifice should mean something. Nothing would please us more than for this all to end. We are willing to end it, but those who seek our destruction have chosen otherwise. We value our liberty and freedom to chose our own lives too much to submit to the will of primitives. This "War on Terror" is more of a case of culture shock on the part of the fundamentalist Islamics, I fear. They have been thrust straight into the 21st century from the middle ages. They lack the will to learn or adapt to the world as it really is, clinging to the past and forfeiting what could be a bright future for themselves and their children. I believe we will all grow out of this infantile stage, and become adults. But is won't happen quickly, or painlessly.

We can continue to point fingers, blame others for our problems, spout nonsense about each one's higher value or superiority, and fling mud everywhere, or we can face the reality.

The reality is, we are all stuck here, marooned on this planet together. If we burn down the house, poison the well, and destroy everything, we will all face extinction together. Is that what we want? Are we really that stupid? Look at a map of our galaxy, try to find the Earth. You can't even see it. Now, imagine trying to see a single human being standing on that speck of dust. All our struggles and posturing is as nothing before the immensity of the universe. No one will mourn our passing, or even notice. Is that the future we want for our children, and their children's children? I think not.

You say we should build schools, help those in need--we are. We have. We will continue to do so, even though it seems futile at times. Terrorists, or whatever label you care to place upon the barbarians who murder little girls in the name of their cause, attack the schools and murder the teachers and children. For daring to get an education? For wanting a future, and a better life than squatting in a mud hut? It's not about belief, it's about power to these criminals. They are not deserving of our mercy, since they offer none. They have chosen to be merciless. They say we must conform to their beliefs, or die. So be it. We will not surrender to them. We will make peace if they sincerely want it, but will remain firm in our commitment to freedom and choice. We will remain vigilant, yet ready to offer the hand of friendship. It is up to them to chose what path to take. May they chose wisely.

We can have a future together, your land and mine. We are all in this together, each offering strengths to compliment the other. Together, we can become more than the sum of the parts. The human race is weary of war, pointless death and destruction. Will we say, "Enough!!!" One day in the future, all of our tribal idiocy will be nothing more than a footnote in history.

I hope we, the species, survive to write that history.

I look forward to reading your articles, my friend. Thank you for your insights.


What's the point, you ask? How will this help us to ClearOurBrainZ, to determine reality?

By making the effort to reach an understanding of the perceptions of others. Only if we make the effort will we learn to live together on this miserable rock. Ranting and railing, bemoaning the attitudes and ill-advised actions of others will solve nothing. We must accept reality.

We have a lot of hard work to do in order to make this world a place we want to live in, and we aren't doing a very good job of that right now. Only by trying to reach an understanding with our neighbors, and refusing to quit trying, will we succeed.

It will more than be worth the effort.

Your comments, please.

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