Monday, May 17, 2010

Code Duello

I read conservative blogs. I read liberal blogs. I read international blogs from other countries. I read news from major and minor networks, from Fox to ABC, CBS, NBC, MS NBC, the BBC to Al Jazeera, and more. I've traveled all over the world.

I correspond with people all over the planet in all walks of life. As far as our two major American political "points of view", the Liberal and the Conservative ones(broadly speaking), I've noticed some interesting characteristics.

I am sure there are many differences others can, and will point out. However, it seems to me that there is one major difference between the two that easily emerge when reading or listening to left or right commentators and groups:

The Conservatives tend to be cheerleaders for America, where the Liberals seem to be if not haters, at least broadly disparaging of our country and it's way of life. Not to say that the liberal side are not patriots, or less-than-loyal citizens, not at all. It just seems that the overall impression one gets when reading the works of either side show these characteristics.

For example:

The daily newspaper in my city(there's only one) publishes both the Liberal and the Conservative points of view, on facing pages, everyday. It's funny, but the Liberal side is always on the left side of the paper, and the Conservative side is on the right side. Isn't that interesting? What would happen if they switched the placement of the layout? Put them on the other side? Would people notice? Get incensed, and storm the newspaper offices with torches and pitchforks to protest? Hey, this could be a movie! (Hollywood will do anything for a buck)

Read the left page, the Liberal opinion: Local Editors and "columnists" on the left edge, syndicated ones on the right edge, letters to the editor below the fold on the bottom right. The syndicated columns are usually filled with vitriolic rants and wild-eyed, dire warnings of skulduggery in high places, especially Big Business and others who's success they envy, or who refuse to agree with their worldview. Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, in particular, is one of the worst. Her columns rarely contain much in the way of substance, just the enraged spewing of ink from her pen. It's clear she's reached her dotage, wants what she wants, right now, and hurry it up, serfs. Some of the others who rotate in and out seem to be cut of similar cloth, lots of shouting but little substance. Reality? Forget it, they don't seem to know the concept. Check the facts? No, that would interfere with their snug little world of the weird. Shabby work, in my opinion, but hey, it sells(advertising--remember their true purpose, all ye of the ClearBrainZ).

Now, read the right page: It's the same layout format as the left page. Sure, there's spewing there too, dire warnings of catastrophe, evildoing in high places, etc. But the much more rational and calm. Sure, there are extremes on both sides of this fence, I am sure the nitnoids lurking nearby can cite any number of examples. I'm just talking about the overall impression and sense of civility(or the lack thereof) each side projects.

Note: I'm sure the nitnoids will notice I had lots more to say in my opinion of the "left" than the right. I just got on a roll....sorry. We must be equal, always(you don't really believe THAT tripe, do you?) I promised to avoid appearing "politically correct" in this endeavour, and so I intend to remain. Who came up with that garbage, anyway?

The protesters and "radicals" of the 1960's and '70's are now the "respected journalists" of today. Of course, the list of true "respected journalists" is extremely short....and not germane to this discussion. It's a fiction, anyway, created by themselves. But it's not just the reporters, it's the producers, writers, directors, newspaper editors, and the owners of the media who drive the news feeds you see. It's why the "mainstream media" is largely left-leaning. It's where the money is, and they always follow the money. Remember, use your ClearBrainZ and keep in mind that the business of news organizations is to sell advertising and make money. They themselves are a "Big Business" just like the others they so often disparage and sometimes viciously attack. After all, who's going attack them? They buy their ink "by the barrel" !

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

Reality check:

This one is highly subjective and murky to say the least. I would propose that the one you select is a personal choice, and what makes you feel comfortable. I urge you to stretch your perspectives, and examine in detail both sides of the issues.

It will be worth your time. You may not be as comfortable afterwards, but at least you will have a better grasp, I hope, of reality as we can best determine it. It's a complicated world, and although simplistic solutions may be very attractive when approaching the resolution of a difficult problem or issue, it is rarely effective. Almost never, in fact. The REAL REALITY here, is that all of the issues and problems facing our nation, and our planet, will require hard work, applied intelligence, sacrifice, innovation, and many other inputs too numerous to mention here. It certainly won't be simple.

So, where are we? Lost in the ozone? Adrift in indecision? That's the choice we must each make for ourselves.

Left or Right, both are Right and Wrong, but all is not lost. Remember that thing called a "compromise"? It used to be pretty common in Congress, but seems to have fallen out of favor. Perhaps it's time we dust it off and put it back to work. Some of our best accomplishments have come from it.

Your comments, please.

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