Yes, children, the circus is alive and well, nay, thriving !
Today's post abounds with flummery, stupidity, elite arrogance, and all the other joyous antics of some of our public officials and personages. It never ceases to amaze me how foolish and outright dumb some of these stalwarts can be. Sure, everyone makes mistakes. None of us are perfect, but surely a higher standard should be demanded of those we choose to manage our public affairs. An underlying theme to most of these seems to be an underestimation by those in authority of the intelligence, and the will to act, resident in the people they are supposed to serve. They seem to have lost touch with reality, living out a fantasy life untouched by any concern that perhaps the "people" might object.
There is so much to choose from, but I didn't want to write a book today. I've just chosen a few examples that tickled me the most.
You know, sticking your nose in other people's business can sometimes turn around and bite you in the butt. Many city councils, school boards, sports teams, and so on, have "butted in" to Arizona's attempt to deal with a difficult problem facing the residents of that state. Let's see what we have:
California: Always good for a wacky good time and a rollicking belly laugh.
LA city councilman Ed Reyes said although he understands the "inconvenience" caused by the boycott battles between Arizona and California, he said that"does not compare to the violation of civil rights"caused by the AZ law. Really? It's a violation of civil rights to show ID? Since when? Because you say so? Who helps you tie your shoes in the mornings? How do you feel about the Easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy? An inconvenience, Mr. Reyes? You call the loss of tens of millions of dollars by YOUR state and Arizona an "inconvenience"? What do you consider a "serious problem", Mr. Reyes? What business is it of the City of Angels how another state tries to deal with a problem? Deal with your own problems--you haven't been doing much of a job with that, a very poor one, in fact. Yet you feel qualified to tell ANOTHER STATE what to do?
Butt out.
Next, we visit the heartland, Illinois. Land of the "Chicago Deal".
A school board in Illinois suddenly changes the meeting agenda late yesterday to address parent's concerns over their decision to cancel a basketball team's trip to AZ. It seems, according to the statement issued, that Arizona's actions "are not in line with our beliefs and values" or some such malarkey. They did make some vague statement about safety, a statement so vague it's almost invisible. So, the people of Highland Park, IL., will put up with the school board using their children as pawns in a political game? I'd love to have observed this meeting last evening! This is idiocy in its perfect form, for such a body as a school board to use its power to make a political statement. It's none of their business how another state chooses to address an issue. You don't have enough to do there in Highland Park?
Butt out.
Some "sports teams", the pros, I mean, have also been just as guilty. They should remember that they are only entertainment, and stick to what they do best. Play ball, hockey, or whatever, and remember who pays the bills.
Butt out.
I was going to put Milwaukee, WI in this slot, but they wisely reconsidered at the last moment. Of course, I fully expect them to take a lick or two at this lollipop. Politicians can't resist candy, or cameras.
Let's journey now to the home of Wally World, the entertaining state of Arkansas.
At a press statement, Arkansas incumbent Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-AR, is called on a false statement by a voter---she's totally poleaxed and left speechless that the people dare to speak out and call her on her bald-faced lies. Running scared, dodging for cover, she purported to be a "moderate" on her voting, despite the record indicating the EXACT OPPOSITE. The older gentleman who called her out, viewed by millions on ABC news this evening, was civil, but firm. Bravo, Sir. Senator Lincoln was shocked into speechlessness. VERY funny!!!
You've got a friend in Pennsylvania. It says so right here on the label.
Senator Arlen Specter, R-D-PA(which is he?) is in the race of his life, running against retired Admiral Joe Sestak. After switching sides last year, he's having a spot of trouble shoeing himself in to another term of hosing the voters out of their tax dollars. Caught telling the truth on camera, saying he switched sides so he can keep his job, he's tanking, it appears. President Obama has declined to appear on his behalf, soaring overhead aboard Air Force One today, on the way to Ohio to inspect a factory refurbished and expanded with TARP money. Really just a glorified photo op, you understand. How much does it cost to operate that aircraft, now? Who pays for it? The government? Isn't that us?
"Politicians are like diapers. They should be changed regularly," Marc Coleman 41,of Philadelphia, said.
Anyway, it's pretty clear that the WH has written Specter off, especially since their attempt to buy off his opponent with a position offer in the Administration as Secretary, or perhaps Undersecretary, of the Navy. Something like that--a juicy offer, for sure. Kudos to you, Admiral Sestak(ret.) for dismissing such an dishonorable offer. It's clear Adm. Sestak understood that acceptance of such an offer would reflect extremely poorly on him, and the Navy. You don't have to be an Admiral to understand that! I can hear Admiral Ernie King rolling over in his grave from here!
Historical side note: Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King (November 23, 1878 – June 25, 1956) was Commander in Chief, United States Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations (COMINCH-CNO) during World War II. As COMINCH, he directed the United States Navy's operations, planning, and administration and was a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was the U.S. Navy's second most senior officer after Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, and the second admiral to be promoted to five star rank. As COMINCH, he served under Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox and later under James Forrestal.--Wiki Encyclopedia
He was a tight-lipped sailor's sailor, a two-fisted, flying, fighting Navy man with salt water in his veins. Although known for many pithy sayings, one of the best attributed to him was:"When the going gets tough, they always send for the sons of bitches". He denies every having said that, but offered once, "I wish I had." Appointed after Pearl Harbor to take things in hand, he was notorious for his dislike of the media. Rumored by sailors to shave with a blowtorch and eat razor blades for breakfast every day, his colleagues often said, that given his way, there would only be one press release during the war. It would be issued at the end after the surrender or destruction of the enemy, and would read:"We won." Such are legends born, especially in wartime.
History aside, the press does play a vital role in our society. And they are not immune to the change in the wind any more than the politicos. Nor are they without their own troupes of clowns and stuffed shirts. I was astounded by the coverage give by the Mainstream Media (MM) of the events playing in the center ring of today's political circus. I almost choked on my cotton candy when Diane Sawyer of ABC wryly commented on some of the political antics in today's broadcast. To see the MM skewer the Left is quite a change from the love-fest they were having with the Dems this time last year. After all, they NEVER miss a chance to skewer the Right, do they? You think they don't smell the coffee? Remember, they have to sell, sell, sell to stay on the air. Give the people what they want or they'll tune you out. It's not like olden times when there were only the Big Three controlling all that you see and hear. Now, anyone can be the media.....even me....and you. When ABC showed the gentleman calling out Sen. Lincoln in AR at her press conference, I could hear the laughter all over the country. Nothing like a little dinner-time buffoonery to make your day. I'm still chuckling.
So, how do we find the reality today?
Time to ClearOurBrainZ !
The reality today, is that we can affect these clowns. We can send them packing back to the farm, or off to the Wonderland on the Potomac for another term. WE CHOOSE ! Not the political "machines", not the media, not Evil Big Business. We choose. We choose to hire and fire. Of course, if you don't vote, can't bitch. Well, yes you can, it's certainly your right. Free speech. But, you don't have much credibility if you didn't participate in the process. Just my opinion. I fully support your right to disagree.
The reality: We are really in charge, and therefore responsible. We can blame the rascals all we want, throw them out and put new rascals in, but WE are responsible. It's up to us to choose wisely, or to correct our error if we blow it. Personal Responsibility. A concept that could make a real difference to our future and way of life. We don't seem to embrace it much. We should.
Your comments, please.
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