Thursday, May 13, 2010

Monsters Walk Among US

I had these thoughts after following the story of the young lady who was attacked and killed in California recently by a convicted sex offender, John Robert Gardner III, who was released by the state after serving 5 years of a 6 year sentence for molesting a 13 year-old girl: 17-year old Chelsea King and 14-year old Amber Dubois were abducted, raped, and murdered by this monster. He led authorities to the body of the younger victim.

When, WHEN, are we going to wake up and deal with the predators among us? These young people paid, with their lives, for OUR failure to properly deal with a terrible problem: violent repeat offenders.

My thoughts:

'There are, literally, thousands of examples of violent predators being "rehabilitated" and released back out into society, where they start right back where they left off....and it costs all of us time, money, heartbreak, and often, lives. When is the last time you heard of a murderer or other violent predatory felon escaping from a cemetery? Due process, yes....common sense yes.....go the extra mile to change their ways, yes.....if they won't change, they are a danger to us all and must be removed from the body of society by either irreversible imprisonment, or execution.

There are monsters walking among us, my friends, just ask any career law enforcement person or your attorney. You sit next to them in church, shop with them in the stores, and meet them in just don't know they are monsters, because they look like every one else! Only their actions, if discovered, will unmask them. Don't turn over rocks unless you are willing to look at the disgusting results. Reality is often unpleasant and shocking.'

And now to ClearOurBrainZ:

I fully realize that we will all never agree on the issue of capital punishment. But using "belief systems" and wishful thinking to address these issues will never solve the problem. We must face facts, and deal with reality. The reality is that we have to fix this problem.....not study it to death, committee it to death("A committee is the only known form of life with 6 or more legs and no brain."--Heinlein), but to deal with it. It won't be cheap, and it won't be pleasant. But, we have to do it, not just for our own sakes, but for our children, and their children. We owe ourselves a better future, but it is up to us to make it a reality.

There are a seemingly an unlimited number of soft-headed "advocates" and other riffraff out there who oppose any type of REAL punishment, and especially Capital Punishment. They are living a fantasy, or are outright leeches sucking our blood and producing nothing of benefit. Sure, the system is far from perfect, but it's better than anarchy and complete "law-of-the-jungle". It's what we have to work with. We can make the system better, if we will. But, it seems, the loudmouths get the publicity(and the donations--their REAL purpose), while those trying to better things are ignored.

The reason for this is simple: All media, TV, newspapers, radio, etc., news organizations exist for one reason--to sell advertising. "If it bleeds, it leads". You don't really think that they exist to keep us informed just out of the goodness of their hearts, do you? It's a business. You will never hear all the story, all the facts, or even the truth. Just what sounds good, dramatic, shocking, and will get the most viewership, clicks, whatever.

Can you ClearYourBrainZ?

"Food for thought".....sometimes it gives you a stomachache!!!

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