Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

I would like all of us to remember what we owe our Veterans on this day. Many of them gave their lives that we might retain our freedoms, and our liberty. They believed in what our nation stands for, and put themselves in harm's way to preserve and defend it.

You may not agree with actions that our government takes. That is one of the many rights our Veterans fought to preserve. They fought our battles for us, that we might continue to be free.

Join me, as I salute our Veterans on this Memorial Day. I offer this toast in their honor:

"To absent friends......thank you."

Friday, May 28, 2010

We The Sheeple

His Esteemed Excellence El Presidente Oharma has hereby decreed today that he is seizing the reins of the oil spill response in the Gulf of Mexico, saying Thursday that Washington is calling the shots even though it needs to rely on BP's expertise.

"I take responsibility. It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down," said His Excellency. I guess we know where to lay the blame, then?

Okay, I'm making fun of something that's pretty serious. But you have to just bust out laughing at the ridiculous posturing of many of our anointed ones now and then. It's good for you.

We've already seen the expensive junketing and "showing of resolve", whatever, by Napalitano and Salazar, of course accompanied by several Senators. Flying over the spill area and coastlines, copping soundbites, covering their butts. All at our expense. How much did this little excursion cost us, Ms. Napalitano? Did you eat at M'D's or at the gourmet restaurant? How much?

How many other unproductive drones have jumped on this greasy gravy train? Thousands, I'd guess.

I remind you that we, our government, are broke. Deeply in debt. Remember the rule of the successful budget:

1. Determine how much you have.

2. Spend less than that.

Not rocket science, is it?

More chuckles:

There's the recent "outing" of the Department of Interior's move to permanently lock up 13 million acres of land in southwestern US, mostly in Arizona. What a surprise! Not really, it's what we have come to expect from our unresponsive, uncaring government. Asked for information on this plan, the Interior Department refused, REFUSED, I say, to answer questions or release information to our members of Congress. Our own government agencies are refusing to answer for their actions!

Who is in charge? No one seems to know. Here's what the Interior Department spokesperson had to say:
"This is an on-going process," Kendra Barkoff wrote. "We may supplement this response as the process is concluded."--Fox News

We may? WE MAY? What kind of idiots are running that asylum? What arrogance! Where is the oversight? Don't these folks work for us?

Public Servant has effectively and for all practical purposes, come to mean Public Master. I guess you know where that leaves us peons, huh? The only reason we still have any freedom left at all, is because we are armed. And so, those who would subdue us are still afraid we might resist. Forcefully.

That would be correct. Oh, it will most likely never come to battles in the street, armed insurrection, and so on. The fringe "militia" groups are just a sideshow, and no real threat so long as the people still support the government.

But what happens when our own troops and police are ordered to use force against their neighbors? They will surely refuse. We hope. Maybe.

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

Reality check:

We are in charge, albeit our grasp on power is weakening.

We can still make a difference at the ballot box.

We are still all Americans. Forget the hyphens. American, or not. One people. It's okay to have pride in your ancestral heritage, but it's history. Not the future, and certainly not the present. Look forward, not back.

We are tough. Tough enough to do hard, dirty jobs, and succeed.

We can still vote.

We can still speak freely, without the secret police showing up to "disappear" us. Within reason, of course. You can't shout "FIRE" in a crowded theater. Unless there really IS a fire. Or unless you refuse to buy the government-mandated health insurance. Or arouse the ire of the dictator. Or his minions, of whom there are many.

Logic and reason are our best weapons. The lie will fall before force of the truth. Even children understand this. The day of "The Big Lie" as a political tool is done. Everyone laughs at you when you try to use it now.

So, what's the answer? You decide. I certainly don't have answers to these questions. I can work with you to find out, though. The answers will come, but it will take a lot of work. Hard work. Dirty work we won't like. But necessary.

Your comments, please.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Alakazaaammmm!!! Magic 101

Misdirection of your attention and distraction are the stock-in-trade of the Magician. But, you allow yourself to be "deceived" by the Magician, for entertainment.

What about the same tactics being used against you by our elected and appointed government officials? How do you feel about that?

Buzzwords. Deception. Misdirection. Arrogance. Distraction. A "Father Knows Best" attitude on the part of our officials.

The furious ongoing debate over immigration continues. The main issue is how to address the problem of illegal immigration. The secondary issue is how to change our policy regarding levels of legal immigration. Next, what do we do about the illegals that are here? Bus them home? Encourage them to leave by drying up the jobs?

Who will cut my grass? Build my houses, work in my factories, wash my dishes? Who will harvest my crops, and do all the hard jobs that need to be done? Maybe some of the millions who are unemployed? Really? But, Americans won't do those kind of jobs, will they?

Have you ever been hungry, I mean, really hungry? If you have kids to feed, a family to support, hell, yourself to support, would you take a "hard" job to put food on the table, a roof over your head? You would, if you have a good "work ethic".

We are sometimes our own worst enemy. Where has the vaunted American Work Ethic gone? When Joe Sixpack gets enough beer and cigarette money for the week, he lays out of work and calls in sick(of working). Why do you think some employers use illegals in their operations? Because, they show up for work like it's a religion, work hard, and take on any task that needs to be done. They have a work ethic. Anyone who spends any time around such operations will see this very easily. Sure, the employers must know that so many of their "migrant" or "ethnic" workers are here in the US illegally. But, the employers have magnificent paperwork with which to cover their butts when the ICEMAN arrives. All of the media attention is focused on the "poor struggling people" who are "only trying to make a better life" and so on. Pick the sound bite or quote that makes you feel the most comfortable.

Why is not more attention focused on the root causes? Why are so few employers prosecuted? Why is there so little media coverage on the employers? Sure, once in a blue moon one is hammered by the press, or the ICEMAN. But not very often. Especially now, since the current administration has issued orders to concentrate on "other pressing concerns". More pressing than national security? Survival of our economy? Oh, I forgot, this is the age of change! Yes, it is, yes we can. Can what? What about some positive change? All we are seeing are the negative ones. Unemployment of American citizens. Record budget deficits. Ridiculous national debt levels. A lower standard of living.

Many contractors and small business owners who refuse to use illegal immigrant labor are forced out of business. Ask them! They can't compete against those who use illegal laborers, are underbid because the unscrupulous competitors using illegal labor have lower labor costs. If these honest contractors stick to their ethical guns, and abide by the law, they will shortly be out of business. Go to any job site, you can see for yourself. Go to the food processing plants. See for yourself. Go to the restaurants. See for yourself. I have. Go find out. Where are the college students working the summer jobs? Where are the unskilled and semi-skilled Americans working the lower-tier jobs? See for yourself--they are out of work. Millions upon millions of them. Go find out.

The current economy is focusing our attention on the effects of mass illegal immigration. When millions of US citizens cannot find work, why are we so concerned about a huge criminal class, a human tidal wave that is engulfing our country? A tidal wave that is straining it's services past the breaking point, breaking hospitals, swamping justice systems, and is demanding rights for "immigrants" and "migrants"? Of course, it is seldom mentioned that we are talking about people who break our laws by entering the country illegally. Illegal immigrants. Criminals.

There is no grey area here. If you enter this country without following the law, you are a criminal. Period. We have a procedure in place for legal immigrants. Yes, it needs work. But we cannot just throw open the door and invite the world. We would be trampled to death.

The last time an "amnesty", "adjustment", whatever you want to call it, was made, was during the Reagan administration. The result? A huge wave of more illegal immigrants that continues to this day and will really increase as talk or movement towards anything that smacks of amnesty gets closer. The "anchor baby" provision is a very foolish, outdated policy/law and should be amended. Just because you give birth to a child after you broke the law, entering the county illegally, is not a reason to reward you, or them, for that. I realize this is a very emotional issue. But the law needs to be amended to regain control of our immigration policy. Right now, it's swinging in the wind. We have to use common sense and face reality.

There is no task too big to address. None. Those who say so are defeatists, ignorant whiners, or have another reason to take such a position. They said we could never reach the moon, too.

There are always naysayers.

Whining is easy. Work is hard. Tough life, huh? Yes. Just reality. Just because you find it distasteful won't change the reality of the situation. Hard work, acceptance of reality, and applied intelligence, will.

We can solve this issue humanely, and we can also regain control of our borders. We will never be able to make everyone happy, that's reality. It's just impossible. But, we can reach a compromise to address this problem. We have to. To do nothing is to invite more of the same disorder and turmoil in which we now find ourselves embroiled.

So, the "advocates" and "officials" and "experts" say we can't close the border, it's too big a job, it would cost too much, it is a waste of time, we need the "migrants", fuel for the "melting pot", and so on.


Despair and whining will really get the job done, won't it?

Are we a people who believe in the rule of law, or not?

There is no grey area...if you enter this country illegally, you are a criminal. You broke the law. You think you should get special treatment because you are of a certain ethnic group? More smoke and mirrors.

Alakazam! (Poof! )You are legal!

Misdirection. Distraction. Sleight of hand. The Magician's friend.

Let's take a look behind the curtain:

DHS Janet Napolitano — "Everybody recognizes that our current system isn't working and that our immigration laws need to change."

" It is not so much that our immigration laws need to change, as enforcement of our immigration laws needs to change. It doesn't matter what laws are on the books if DHS will not enforce them. Napolitano's statement implies that, because foreigners continue to ignore our immigration laws, they need to be changed. That sidesteps the real issue, of how can foreigners and US employers be made to respect and comply with the law. The Administration's view appears to be that employers who want cheap labor, and foreign workers who want jobs, should be accommodated, rather than defending the best interests of the American people. Illegal immigration will continue, until there is widespread awareness that it will not be tolerated, and neither illegal aliens nor their employers will be able to continue to flout the law. Besides, the change in the law that the Administration advocates is an amnesty for the current millions of illegal aliens, and an increased level of legal immigration — both of which are rejected by the majority of Americans."

Napolitano — "I'm referring to what I call the "three-legged stool" that includes a commitment to serious and effective enforcement, improved legal flows for families and workers, and a firm but fair way to deal with those who are already here."

" All should agree that there should be "serious and effective enforcement." Clearly, if anyone who wanted to work in the United States were allowed to come legally, there would be less illegal immigration, but this would not be in the interests of U.S. workers and the general public. That is an issue that must be faced and cannot be glibly sidestepped. "Improved legal flows" means increased legal immigration. With more than a million immigrants receiving 'green cards' each year since 2000, current immigration is swamping the nation's assimilation capacity, and causing most of the rapid population increase that is jeopardizing the nation's environmental future. "A firm but fair way to deal with those already here" is a code term for amnesty. It means allowing illegal aliens to stay permanently, unless they have a criminal record. Requirements to pay some back taxes and to learn English are meaningless, because past practice demonstrates that these requirements will be forgotten, or waived in the process of granting legal status."

"So, of the three legs of the stool, only one leg — law enforcement — makes sense and has broad public support, and support for even that leg depends on what law is to be enforced and whether the enforcement is effective."

Who will benefit from an amnesty? The employers who will then have legal workers. The illegal immigrants who broke our laws--we will reward them for breaking the laws of our land? The Democratic Party, who will gain a large block of grateful voters?

What is the benefit to the huge numbers of unemployed US Citizens? What do we get out of an amnesty? Moral satisfaction? Can you pay your bills with that? Feed your children? Yourself?

Napolitano — "We have to make sure the immigration system works to support American families, businesses and workers."

By this, Napolitano appears to mean anyone living in the US. irregardless of their legal status. By referring to American families, she also appears to mean families which contain American citizens, the "anchor babies". The statement of support for American businesses appears to support the continuing access by employers to cheap labor, to permanently undermine wages and working conditions, and job opportunities for unemployed American workers. To perpetuate continued illegal immigration. What a deal, huh? She works for us? Really?

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

Reality check:

Illegal immigrants take jobs away from US Citizens. Americans.

Illegal immigrants use our hospitals and other public services without paying their way. Go to the emergency room. Go see for yourself.

Illegal immigrants routinely commit identity theft. They have to do so, in order to get most jobs. Have to cover my butt, says the employer.

Ask the IRS. Ask the people whose identities have been used by illegals to get employment, what effects it has had on their lives, and their credit.

Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, in most cases. Cash under the table is paid by unscrupulous employers. Napolitano — "[Amnesty for illegal aliens] will strengthen our economy as these immigrants become full-paying taxpayers." And be eligible for tax credits refunds, like the Earned Income Tax Credit and others for poor families with children. This is a net loss. Do the math.

Illegal immigrants send huge amounts of money out of the US back to their native countries every month. Over a billion dollars. Every month! No wonder Mexico opposes enforcement of our laws. They need the dough, rather, their economy needs it.

Illegal immigrants lower our quality of life.

Employers, many of them, love illegal workers, because they work for less money than US Citizens find acceptable. Anything for a buck. There is effectively little enforcement here. Less, since the Obama administration took charge. Said our head of DHS: Napolitano — "We have replaced old [interior enforcement] policies that merely looked tough with policies that are designed to actually be effective." Just the opposite has occurred, with the abandonment of enforcement actions in favor of paper audits. In the refusal of ICE to back up local law enforcement.

Labor Unions love the idea of an amnesty, they see their ranks swelling(and their power$$).

Illegal immigrants are seen by the Democratic Party as the voting block to "save their bacon". They must think Americans are idiots if they believe we don't see this.

American appetites for illegal drugs fuel the violence and the flow of contraband across our borders. We are causing a huge problem for ourselves. What will we do about it? We've tried prohibition, it was a total failure. Why are we repeating history?

Napolitano — "The security of the Southwest border has been transformed from where it was in 2007"

So, we made a little progress? We can quit now? More butt covering from the DHS head.

Our borders are NOT SECURE. Not even close. The flow must be stopped. Even if it takes the use of force. Unpleasant, maybe, to consider, but perhaps necessary. Just because we may not like this option doesn't mean we stick our heads in the sand.

Our legal immigration system and policies need work. No doubt about that. We must use rational thought and research to decide upon any changes. Not emotion. Not political rhetoric. Facts. Reality.

You must earn the right to become an American citizen. It is not a candy to be handed out to anyone who demands it. Follow the law. We welcome those who do so. We always have.

So where are we going? We, as a people, must find the answers. Our government is paralyzed by indecision and political partisanship. We have ineffective and weak leadership. It's our job to fix that. It won't be easy. The alternative is to surrender to the demands of the illegals and their proponents, all of whom have a vested interest in an amnesty. We have laws, we need to enforce them. Period. Any official who refuses to do so is breaking the law themselves, violating their oaths of office. Are we a nation who believes in, and applies the rule of law, or not?

Ignore the buzzwords and deceptive rhetoric. Find out the facts.

"Assimilation immigration"? "Comprehensive immigration reform? What do these labels mean? Is it a smokescreen for amnesty? Butt covering? Putting you back to sleep?

Find out. Make a decision. Work to make it happen.

Rein in the emotion, collect the data, examine the facts. Make a plan of action. Action! Not study, not "dialog", not "adjustment". Action! Only acting upon the plan will make a difference. We will make errors. We will adjust. But, we must persevere and stay the course.

Will we accept the challenge? Yes, we must.

The alternative is unacceptable.

Your comments, please.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Quality Entertainment: Watching the Bug Zapper

Here in the South, it's the rainy season of Spring. The mosquitoes are fierce and plentiful. Watching them swarm to the bug zapper on my patio, it occurred to me that people can be just like mosquitoes. They swarm around an issue and fling themselves into oblivion on the electrified screen of opinion.

I'm no more immune to this human frailty than anyone else. It's easy to let your emotions run away with you when strong feelings propel you into opening your mouth before using your brain. We all do it, some more than others. The trick is to realize what's happening. With that said, keep reading, ha, ha.

News and opinion sources today are full of examples. Many are busy beating themselves on the brick wall of opinion, yet little real thought and reason is readily apparent. There's a lot of shouting going on about various issues and events. All kinds of "advocates", "experts", and government "officials" are stepping into the bullring, but not much work is being accomplished.

For example:

The BP oil spill recovery effort. The following excerpt is a good example of our vaunted leaders "taking the situation in hand". (cough, cough)

"Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano were to lead a Senate delegation to the region on Monday to fly over affected areas and keep an eye on the response."--Fox News

Isn't that an efficient use of our resources! What leadership we are lucky to have!
(This is called "irony" for those of you who are visiting from the tinfoil hat society.)

Spending a small fortune of our tax dollars on a sound bite, they are doing nothing but butt-covering and posturing. These folks have been shown up to be clueless and ineffective leaders of their respective organizations. What is going to be accomplished by such an action? Pressuring BP? Coming up with a brilliant engineering solution to stop the leak? Don't hold your breath over that one, they don't have the know-how. What they do know how to do is waste time and money in futile trips and hot air. Reality and common sense seems to elude them, or is purposely ignored in the pursuit of their own agenda. Pretty stupid, but also very human.

Just as foolish, is the alarmist promotion of the severity of this spill by some of the media, with a lot of wild speculation everywhere about what "will" or "might" happen as a consequence of this action.

The most apparent, real consequence so far is that 11 men lost their lives, and lots of oil will need to be cleaned up. All the rest is "the sky is falling" malarkey. "Trash science" is running rampant. Show us the data! Not your opinion, we've got more of that than we need.

If you think the press is out in force on this spill, you are right. However, they are far outnumbered by the legal profession members swarming in for what they see as an easy kill. Follow the money. Right behind them are the various environmental and other groups swooping in like buzzards to line their pockets, riding the issues to pump up their fundraising. All sorts of human buzzards are circling.

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

Reality check: We will continue to need that oil for the foreseeable future. Sure, we are moving away from oil as our primary energy engine, but it will take decades to get there. Even then, we will require petroleum for many of our industrial feed stocks. The amount of oil coming out of that well is proof, undeniable proof, that vast reserves are there in the deep water. We have to learn to tap them without making a big mess. We learn how by doing it, applying tested engineering skills to the problems, and trying new techniques. We will do it wrong before we do it right. That's called the learning curve. You have to test your theories and prototypes to see what works and what doesn't.

Whining about your failures accomplishes nothing. You clean up the mess and try again until you
succeed.The relief wells, being drilled as we speak, will tap that huge reservoir of petroleum. The income BP generates from this will more than pay for the cleanup and recovery efforts, even a hefty profit. And, the industry will have learned what not to do, and what is practical within the realm of current engineering technology.

Yes, the spill is bad. Very bad. Moaning about it won't fix anything. Hard work, innovation, and research will. Get out of the way and let those folks do their job. They're very good at it.

Your comments, please.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Other points of view

Today, I want to share with you some correspondence to illustrate some points of view from outside our own little nest.

I recently ran across an article at the China Daily website that was intriguing. I'd like to share some of that with you . The article was written by Chen Weihua. You can read it for yourself here. It's a different view of some of our actions. Compare them to your own worldview as ask yourselves: Can I see myself, or my nation, as others do? Is there value in trying to understand other points of view?

Food for thought.

Here's my response to his article:

To: Chen Weihua, China Daily
May 19, 2010

Ni hao.

I wanted to give you my comments directly on your article today.

You raise many valid issues. It is true that Americans have many doubts about the use of unmanned drones in warfare. It pains everyone, both us and the victims, when the blood of innocents is shed unjustly. However, war is an ugly business. Often, non-combatants are killed or injured. So it has been from the dawn of time. Innocents were killed in the thousands by the attack on New York City twin towers, yet this endless cycle of death hasn't taught the lesson of such futility. Centuries-old grudges are constantly brought to the present by those who would seek to control and dominate others. We see it every day, both in world events, and even in the neighborhoods where we live. You see it, I see it. Yet, we, as a species, persist in this insanity of the sacrifice of our young men and women to the gods of war. When will we grow up and realize that we are beating our own heads against the wall? When will we learn to channel our aggression into the problems we face as a species?

The Pakistanis are angry. The Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Palestinians, and others like them, who chose to kill innocents in the name of their deity, or for perceived past wrongs, are angry. Everyone is angry at everyone else, or so it seems. We, here in America, would be delighted to make peace with them all, if they could be trusted to abide by their agreements. Unfortunately, they have proven, by their actions, to be untrustworthy. We reach out the hand in entreaty, and they bite it off. Where is the future in that? We are then left with no choice but to remain strong and defend ourselves. If a thief breaks into your home, and commits atrocities upon your family, are you not correct to resist?

I realize this is a rather simplistic example, but we must begin somewhere to reach an understanding. There are no simplistic solutions to such complex problems, you and I both know this very well. But, that doesn't mean we should stop trying.

Since, by your words, you visit the US, you see how things work here. I often visit your great country as well. I am sure you have many friends here, just as I have many friends in China and other countries. I assure you, we don't like this war, or any other. Having our young men and women come home in a body bag, lost forever to their family and loved ones, is not something we like, or will ever grow accustomed to. Yes, they are all volunteers, they chose to serve their country. But, their sacrifice should mean something. Nothing would please us more than for this all to end. We are willing to end it, but those who seek our destruction have chosen otherwise. We value our liberty and freedom to chose our own lives too much to submit to the will of primitives. This "War on Terror" is more of a case of culture shock on the part of the fundamentalist Islamics, I fear. They have been thrust straight into the 21st century from the middle ages. They lack the will to learn or adapt to the world as it really is, clinging to the past and forfeiting what could be a bright future for themselves and their children. I believe we will all grow out of this infantile stage, and become adults. But is won't happen quickly, or painlessly.

We can continue to point fingers, blame others for our problems, spout nonsense about each one's higher value or superiority, and fling mud everywhere, or we can face the reality.

The reality is, we are all stuck here, marooned on this planet together. If we burn down the house, poison the well, and destroy everything, we will all face extinction together. Is that what we want? Are we really that stupid? Look at a map of our galaxy, try to find the Earth. You can't even see it. Now, imagine trying to see a single human being standing on that speck of dust. All our struggles and posturing is as nothing before the immensity of the universe. No one will mourn our passing, or even notice. Is that the future we want for our children, and their children's children? I think not.

You say we should build schools, help those in need--we are. We have. We will continue to do so, even though it seems futile at times. Terrorists, or whatever label you care to place upon the barbarians who murder little girls in the name of their cause, attack the schools and murder the teachers and children. For daring to get an education? For wanting a future, and a better life than squatting in a mud hut? It's not about belief, it's about power to these criminals. They are not deserving of our mercy, since they offer none. They have chosen to be merciless. They say we must conform to their beliefs, or die. So be it. We will not surrender to them. We will make peace if they sincerely want it, but will remain firm in our commitment to freedom and choice. We will remain vigilant, yet ready to offer the hand of friendship. It is up to them to chose what path to take. May they chose wisely.

We can have a future together, your land and mine. We are all in this together, each offering strengths to compliment the other. Together, we can become more than the sum of the parts. The human race is weary of war, pointless death and destruction. Will we say, "Enough!!!" One day in the future, all of our tribal idiocy will be nothing more than a footnote in history.

I hope we, the species, survive to write that history.

I look forward to reading your articles, my friend. Thank you for your insights.


What's the point, you ask? How will this help us to ClearOurBrainZ, to determine reality?

By making the effort to reach an understanding of the perceptions of others. Only if we make the effort will we learn to live together on this miserable rock. Ranting and railing, bemoaning the attitudes and ill-advised actions of others will solve nothing. We must accept reality.

We have a lot of hard work to do in order to make this world a place we want to live in, and we aren't doing a very good job of that right now. Only by trying to reach an understanding with our neighbors, and refusing to quit trying, will we succeed.

It will more than be worth the effort.

Your comments, please.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Reality or Rant? That is the question.

It's time to get back to basics. Our purpose here today is to face reality, but how do we draw the line between what the facts are, and the emotional bias inherent in today's issues?

Hard data, verifiable facts, repeatable results. Sound familiar? It's the scientific method. A method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. A scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. The difference between saying something is so, and being able to prove it, is required. It's an especially difficult task when dealing with human affairs, but not an insurmountable one.

How do we get the facts? By hard work, perseverance, application of our intelligence, and the willingness to experiment. Objectivity. Logic. Many become wedded to their "pet" theories, and thereby contaminate their results. We've seen such public examples in the recent "Climategate" fiasco. The "Not Invented Here" attitude. "Bending" the data to fit the results you would like to see is a waste of every one's time and resources. Those who do such things forever lose credibility. As they should.

Back to our focus today: Reality is acceptance of facts. If you can't show us the math, verifiable results from experimentation, and useful applications of the same, then it's not reality. Just opinion, of which there are approximately as many as there are mouths. Show me the proof. That's what will bring home the bacon. Where's your data?

All of the shouting, protesting, sit-ins, posturing, finger pointing and other emotional carrying on won't change the facts, or the math. A plus B equals C. It's immutable and logical. I know this is a simplistic example, but it's true just the same. Try it for yourself. It's the best way to describe the real world. If you can't show the mathematical basis for your work, and the corroborating data, it's not science, it's opinion.

So, how are we going to apply this to the problems we face as a society?

There are no simple answers here. It's never easy to look for solutions to complex problems, even though it's attractive to many. The reality is, it will take a lot of work. Collecting the data. Experimentation. Forming hypotheses. Testing them. Trying again. If it were easy, we would have already done it. It's not easy or simple.

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

How, you say? By leaving our egos and emotions out of the picture. Sure, empathy and concern will drive our efforts. But we must be willing to face the reality of the facts, and the results of our application of the scientific method. We might not like what we find, but it won't change the reality of it.

I hope we will have the courage to face it.

Your comments, please.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

East Meets West: We both get lucky.

Finding the reality in human relations is extremely difficult, if not impossible. But today we will take a swing at it just the same.

Chinese and American relations have undergone a vast evolution in our lifetimes. The later half of the 20th century in the development of China, and it's relationship to the rest of the world, would be beyond the scope of this discussion, so we will confine ourselves to some of the relationships of China, meaning mainland China, the People's Republic of China, and the USA, as they are today.

Being the spouse of a Chinese national has given me a surprising view of modern China and it's people. You soon find that people everywhere are very like your neighbors in your home country. The value the same things, like family, peace, good food, their health, and the future of their children.

When I married into a Chinese family, I was welcomed into the family formally as their "new son" and gained much more than the love of my wife--I gained a new family, a very close one. Family is EVERYTHING in China....something we seem to have forgotten here in our own country.

Yes, there are differences. There are some things we find it hard to understand about each other's culture and system of beliefs. However, it's been my experience that we "ordinary" people have no trouble whatsoever in becoming friends and living together without conflicts. Everywhere I went in China, I have been welcomed and made to feel at home. You would never know you were in a "communist" country. It's like any nation, there are problems there just as there are here in the USA. No big deal, that's life, always something unexpected to deal with. Just a fact of life. Get over it.

More trouble is made by those "in charge" on both sides than is ever desired by the people of either nation, who just want to be left alone to live their lives without trouble. Unfortunately, many of those who govern us seem to have an overwhelming desire to maintain control and direct our affairs to their own benefit. Human nature, I guess. There will always be those among us who seek to dominate us. The trick is to ensure they do no harm. History is rife with megalomaniacs, petty dictators, and outright crooks. They all meet the same end, sooner or later. Ashes to ashes, etc...

Read the news and opinion columns from China and America. You will soon see that there is lots to keep your intellect engaged. The are some very insightful and thought provoking writers plying their trade in the PRC today. Freedom of the press, you say? The Internet has broken down most of those doors, and even the CCP, the government of China, has realized that the genie will never return to the bottle. All they, and we, can do is to hold on for the ride. It's already beyond our control.

There have been more changes in the past 5 years in China than in the preceding 50 years in this regard. Even concepts that were previously thought impossible are emerging: Private property, free market economics, reforms in education, the list goes on. Communist, you say? More like a union card, these days. Corruption, you say? We have just as much. Crime? They seem to have less. Certainty of punishment is very real there. Here, not so much.

As an outsider, it is not my place to criticize any policy or point fingers in regards to how the Chinese people chose to conduct their internal affairs. As Mark Twain once said, "People get the kind of government they deserve." Well, the kind of life the Chinese people think they deserve is changing relatively quickly. It's their business, and we should butt out.

Most officials and so-called "experts" here in the US don't have a clue as to what is going on in China today, and aren't smart enough, or care enough, to find out. Most of them still think the Cold War is still underway. They just keep plodding away on the same old path. They just can't seem to accept that the world has left them behind and no longer needs nor wants their services, at least not the way they are currently delivering them. Just listen to their statements and view their actions. They are hopelessly obsolete. Adapt, or perish, ye denizens of Foggy Bottom. You counterparts are already ahead of you in this regard.

I would urge you to visit some Chinese opinion blogs, and find out more. Here's some to get you started:

This will get you started, but I warn you; it's like eating potato chips, you won't be able to stop! There are some really talented people writing in China today. Explore other places, this is just the starting point. It will be worth your time. China is our largest trading partner, and largest potential market as well. Plus, we own them a lot of money, ha,ha. Give it some time, when you can.

Oh, by the way, it's in English. You can even post comments.

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

What is the reality in today's post? It's that none of us, no matter how powerful we think we are, can stop the will of the human species to evolve. We can tilt at windmills all we like, but the forces are mostly beyond our control, or even our understanding. Mostly, we should just mind our own business and take care of our own problems. It's more than enough to keep us busy for a long time. The people of China are perfectly capable of dealing with their problems, and we should butt out, unless they ask for our help. We will certainly need their help one day, sure as the sun rises and sets.

Someday our descendants will look back into history, and marvel at our stupidity and pettiness. At least, I hope they will....if we survive as a species. I think we will. I'm sure our distant descendants will be both amused and disbelieving. Lots of us already are, right now! Sometimes I think the mediocre shall inherit the Earth!

Your comments, please.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Yes, children, the circus is alive and well, nay, thriving !

Today's post abounds with flummery, stupidity, elite arrogance, and all the other joyous antics of some of our public officials and personages. It never ceases to amaze me how foolish and outright dumb some of these stalwarts can be. Sure, everyone makes mistakes. None of us are perfect, but surely a higher standard should be demanded of those we choose to manage our public affairs. An underlying theme to most of these seems to be an underestimation by those in authority of the intelligence, and the will to act, resident in the people they are supposed to serve. They seem to have lost touch with reality, living out a fantasy life untouched by any concern that perhaps the "people" might object.

There is so much to choose from, but I didn't want to write a book today. I've just chosen a few examples that tickled me the most.

You know, sticking your nose in other people's business can sometimes turn around and bite you in the butt. Many city councils, school boards, sports teams, and so on, have "butted in" to Arizona's attempt to deal with a difficult problem facing the residents of that state. Let's see what we have:

California: Always good for a wacky good time and a rollicking belly laugh.

LA city councilman Ed Reyes said although he understands the "inconvenience" caused by the boycott battles between Arizona and California, he said that"does not compare to the violation of civil rights"caused by the AZ law. Really? It's a violation of civil rights to show ID? Since when? Because you say so? Who helps you tie your shoes in the mornings? How do you feel about the Easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy? An inconvenience, Mr. Reyes? You call the loss of tens of millions of dollars by YOUR state and Arizona an "inconvenience"? What do you consider a "serious problem", Mr. Reyes? What business is it of the City of Angels how another state tries to deal with a problem? Deal with your own problems--you haven't been doing much of a job with that, a very poor one, in fact. Yet you feel qualified to tell ANOTHER STATE what to do?
Butt out.

Next, we visit the heartland, Illinois. Land of the "Chicago Deal".

A school board in Illinois suddenly changes the meeting agenda late yesterday to address parent's concerns over their decision to cancel a basketball team's trip to AZ. It seems, according to the statement issued, that Arizona's actions "are not in line with our beliefs and values" or some such malarkey. They did make some vague statement about safety, a statement so vague it's almost invisible. So, the people of Highland Park, IL., will put up with the school board using their children as pawns in a political game? I'd love to have observed this meeting last evening! This is idiocy in its perfect form, for such a body as a school board to use its power to make a political statement. It's none of their business how another state chooses to address an issue. You don't have enough to do there in Highland Park?
Butt out.

Some "sports teams", the pros, I mean, have also been just as guilty. They should remember that they are only entertainment, and stick to what they do best. Play ball, hockey, or whatever, and remember who pays the bills.
Butt out.

I was going to put Milwaukee, WI in this slot, but they wisely reconsidered at the last moment. Of course, I fully expect them to take a lick or two at this lollipop. Politicians can't resist candy, or cameras.

Let's journey now to the home of Wally World, the entertaining state of Arkansas.

At a press statement, Arkansas incumbent Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-AR, is called on a false statement by a voter---she's totally poleaxed and left speechless that the people dare to speak out and call her on her bald-faced lies. Running scared, dodging for cover, she purported to be a "moderate" on her voting, despite the record indicating the EXACT OPPOSITE. The older gentleman who called her out, viewed by millions on ABC news this evening, was civil, but firm. Bravo, Sir. Senator Lincoln was shocked into speechlessness. VERY funny!!!

You've got a friend in Pennsylvania. It says so right here on the label.

Senator Arlen Specter, R-D-PA(which is he?) is in the race of his life, running against retired Admiral Joe Sestak. After switching sides last year, he's having a spot of trouble shoeing himself in to another term of hosing the voters out of their tax dollars. Caught telling the truth on camera, saying he switched sides so he can keep his job, he's tanking, it appears. President Obama has declined to appear on his behalf, soaring overhead aboard Air Force One today, on the way to Ohio to inspect a factory refurbished and expanded with TARP money. Really just a glorified photo op, you understand. How much does it cost to operate that aircraft, now? Who pays for it? The government? Isn't that us?
"Politicians are like diapers. They should be changed regularly," Marc Coleman 41,of Philadelphia, said.
Anyway, it's pretty clear that the WH has written Specter off, especially since their attempt to buy off his opponent with a position offer in the Administration as Secretary, or perhaps Undersecretary, of the Navy. Something like that--a juicy offer, for sure. Kudos to you, Admiral Sestak(ret.) for dismissing such an dishonorable offer. It's clear Adm. Sestak understood that acceptance of such an offer would reflect extremely poorly on him, and the Navy. You don't have to be an Admiral to understand that! I can hear Admiral Ernie King rolling over in his grave from here!

Historical side note: Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King (November 23, 1878 – June 25, 1956) was Commander in Chief, United States Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations (COMINCH-CNO) during World War II. As COMINCH, he directed the United States Navy's operations, planning, and administration and was a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was the U.S. Navy's second most senior officer after Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, and the second admiral to be promoted to five star rank. As COMINCH, he served under Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox and later under James Forrestal.--Wiki Encyclopedia

He was a tight-lipped sailor's sailor, a two-fisted, flying, fighting Navy man with salt water in his veins. Although known for many pithy sayings, one of the best attributed to him was:"When the going gets tough, they always send for the sons of bitches". He denies every having said that, but offered once, "I wish I had." Appointed after Pearl Harbor to take things in hand, he was notorious for his dislike of the media. Rumored by sailors to shave with a blowtorch and eat razor blades for breakfast every day, his colleagues often said, that given his way, there would only be one press release during the war. It would be issued at the end after the surrender or destruction of the enemy, and would read:"We won." Such are legends born, especially in wartime.

History aside, the press does play a vital role in our society. And they are not immune to the change in the wind any more than the politicos. Nor are they without their own troupes of clowns and stuffed shirts. I was astounded by the coverage give by the Mainstream Media (MM) of the events playing in the center ring of today's political circus. I almost choked on my cotton candy when Diane Sawyer of ABC wryly commented on some of the political antics in today's broadcast. To see the MM skewer the Left is quite a change from the love-fest they were having with the Dems this time last year. After all, they NEVER miss a chance to skewer the Right, do they? You think they don't smell the coffee? Remember, they have to sell, sell, sell to stay on the air. Give the people what they want or they'll tune you out. It's not like olden times when there were only the Big Three controlling all that you see and hear. Now, anyone can be the media.....even me....and you. When ABC showed the gentleman calling out Sen. Lincoln in AR at her press conference, I could hear the laughter all over the country. Nothing like a little dinner-time buffoonery to make your day. I'm still chuckling.

So, how do we find the reality today?

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

The reality today, is that we can affect these clowns. We can send them packing back to the farm, or off to the Wonderland on the Potomac for another term. WE CHOOSE ! Not the political "machines", not the media, not Evil Big Business. We choose. We choose to hire and fire. Of course, if you don't vote, can't bitch. Well, yes you can, it's certainly your right. Free speech. But, you don't have much credibility if you didn't participate in the process. Just my opinion. I fully support your right to disagree.

The reality: We are really in charge, and therefore responsible. We can blame the rascals all we want, throw them out and put new rascals in, but WE are responsible. It's up to us to choose wisely, or to correct our error if we blow it. Personal Responsibility. A concept that could make a real difference to our future and way of life. We don't seem to embrace it much. We should.

Your comments, please.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Sez You!" The Great Debate on Immigration

Those of you who are students of history all know about the Great Debate to which I am referring in the title of today's post.

"The Great Debate, also called the Shapley–Curtis Debate, was an influential debate between the astronomers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis which concerned the nature of spiral nebulae and the size of the universe. The basic issue under debate was whether distant nebulae were relatively small and lay within our own galaxy or whether they were large, independent galaxies. The debate took place on 26 April 1920, in the Baird auditorium of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. The two scientists first presented independent technical papers about "The Scale of the Universe" during the day and then took part in a joint discussion that evening. Much of the lore of the Great Debate grew out of two papers published by Shapley and Curtis in the May 1921 issue of the Bulletin of the National Research Council. The published papers each included counter arguments to the position advocated by the other scientist at the 1920 meeting.--Wiki Encyclopedia"

The debate above was a gathering of scientists to discuss concepts of the physics of the universe, and how they might be explained. Data was presented, discussed, and future avenues of research suggested. The most important point here is that it was a discussion of facts and research data. Not hyperbole, innuendo, or emotional ranting.

Today's debate on immigration issues bears little resemblance to any course of rational, reality-based debate. It's rapidly degenerating to the level of mud wrestling, with all sides flinging the muck with both hands. Supporters of the Left or Right, or whatever label you might care to apply to those participating, are spiraling ever deeper into the black hole of demagoguery and character assassination. Witness the latest fistfuls of mud from the Southern Poverty Law Center: Mary Bauer, legal director of the SPLC, said the the enforcement of Federal immigration laws and Arizona's new law doing so is a "civil rights disaster" and "leads to racial profiling, distracts police from looking for real criminals and destroys families."

Wow!!! Really!!! How do you know, Mary? The law doesn't go into effect until July! Can I peek into your crystal ball? I could really use the next lottery winning numbers. Very, very typical of the "Poverty Palace" in Montgomery these days. Seems to me the inmates are now in charge of the asylum. (How's that for a zinger? Excuse me while I go wash up.)

Then, the ACLU weighs in with their rallying cry against the evil forces running rampant in Cobb County, Georgia USA. In their ongoing opposition to the enforcement of existing law by anyone not of THEIR choosing, they flocked to the support of Jessica Colotl, the illegal immigrant college student who is the current focus of media attention after her arrest for lying to the police about her status and residence. The ACLU , joined by the usual flock of "advocacy groups" etc., ad nauseam, has this to say:

"Jessica's case is yet another outrageious example of the unaccountable local enforcementof immigration laws in Cobb County gone awry," said Azadeh Shahshahani, ACLU of Georgia's national security/immigrants' rights project director.

The band of lawyers and advocates who rallied around Colotl say Cobb County is abusing its power. In a "joint statement" this past Thursday night, they vented their "outrage" over Colotl's treatment and suggested that the felony charge is trumped-up.

Let's see: The Feds already said she could stay in school, released her from custody, and could finish her education. Then she would be expected to leave, since she's here illegally. Sure, she was just a kid when she came across the border, illegally. She's getting to finish her education. That's a plus, sure. She's lived here most of her life, and will have a difficult time adjusting to life in the narco country below our southern border. Definitely a minus. I'd say a compromise was offered, and accepted, wouldn't you? And, let me say, this is a rarity in dealing the the US Immigration authorities. I know from personal, up-close experience. My wife is a foreign national, and we've been through the system. It could stand LOADS of improvement. Ms. Colotl got a break.

Then the other flocks of buzzards descended on this hapless young lady: The media, the race hustlers, the opportunists, quick-buck sleazes, and more. They never miss an opportunity to raise money. It's their job. Good work, I guess....if you can stomach it.

The Cobb Immigrant Alliance weighed in and scooped up their handfuls of mud, cocked and let fly: Calling the actions of officials "schoolyard bullying" and other less-printable epithets, they were followed by the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials calling the sheriff "Wild-West Warren" and saying he"has abused his authority in this case. His actions clearly demonstrate the problems that occur when local law officers are granted authority to enforce immigration laws," said Gonzalez.

Sorry, I just got carried away in a fit of mirth. But, there's more: Another of the "advocacy groups" had to get their shot in: "Sheriff Warren has embarked on a witch hunt, wasting money and county resources for political gain," said Adelina Nicholls of the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights. "This is not about public safety," she said.

Isn't it funny how all of these impressively named "advocacy" and "rights" groups conveniently leave out the "illegal" part when talking about "migrants" and "immigrants"? Why do you suppose that is? Are they trying to mislead us? Blow smoke in our face? No, of course not! They just "forgot" that part.

"Velcome to Georgia! Vere are your papers?"

My, my, what evil is afoot in Cobb County! There is no hope! Prepare to meet our doom!

Come on, friends, get a grip. ID's are a fact of life. You have to have a license to drive a car, fly a plane, drive a truck, use a credit card, or buy booze in the restaurant or bar. You have to show ID for most anything. It's reality. My wife MUST carry her Permanent Resident's card everywhere she goes....IT'S THE LAW! Even you and I must have our Driver's License or Pilot's License, or other identification as might apply, ON OUR PERSON, if requested to display them to the appropriate authorities on demand. We all agreed to this when we accepted said license. No one forced us to have one, we wanted it! We already have a national's called a passport. Don't leave home(the USA) without it(sorry, AMX). Big deal.....not!

I think it's time to ClearOurBrainZ !

Today's reality:

We are a nation of laws. We make them, we enforce them(mostly), and all have agreed to abide by them so that we may live in a place of order and peace. We have, in place, a very good system to change laws as they become outdated or impractical. We can change the rules and laws to fit the evolution of our civilization. The point being, we do have a system. As for Ms. Colotl, she admitted she is in the country illegally, drove a motor vehicle knowingly without a valid license, and lied to the officers about her status and place of residence. That's a violation of the law. If I do it, you do it, anyone....they must pay the price. She gets a pass because she's a victim? I don't think so. She's NOT A VICTIM! SHE BROKE THE LAW! MORE THAN ONCE!

Of course, if she had relatives in "high places", she wouldn't be sent back to sunny Mexico after graduation. Witness the latest exercise of discretion by the Federal immigration authorities: Our Glorious Leader, His Eminence El Presidente Obama's (sorry Mr. President, I happen to know you have a sense of humor) auntie was just granted asylum after being ordered deported....and refusing to leave.....SIX YEARS AGO! Of course, you didn't think the folks who work for the government are stupid enough to deport the President's auntie, do you? I mean, really, they may be dumb but they are not stupid. Let's face reality here! Cover your butt is Rule Number One when you work for the government, ANY government, city, state, whatever.

And the mud flies on. Two CNN commentators, columnists, pundits, whatever you wish to call them, David Frum and Rudy Ruiz, hurled their respective balls of verbal bottom-muck in their recent postings. Slings and arrows were flying so thick it looked like a late night western cowboy movie, where the evil Indians attack the wagon train. Fact and figures from Mr. Frum, mixed with a little ire over being invaded by hordes of the unwashed and ignorant(ok, a lot of ire), were met by Mr. Ruis'z righteous indignation and playing of the race card and the academia union card(He went to Harvard). Frum worked for President Bush in 2001-2 as a special advisor and writes a weekly column for They BOTH write for CNN! Ruiz has his own company, not surprisingly an advocacy marketing agency(what a prince!) based in San Antonio, TX. Left and Right, Yin and Yang, Coyote and RoadRunner....really, it is rather cartoonish to read since you can't help laughing. As typical of the more left leaning commentators, Ruiz quickly descends for more ammunition into the depths of muck scooping and name-calling, calling Mr. Frum a xenophobe, racist, cultural protectionist, and other nasty names, bemoaning the lack of "fair and parallel comparative analysis of multigenerational progress". I'm sorry to have to inform you, Mr. Ruiz, that the scientific gathering of data is the collection of facts. Fairness has nothing to do with it. Facts stand alone in the cold light of logical analysis, and all the huffiness in the world won't change that. Multigenerational whatsis? If you use the prefix "multi" more than once in your article, your intellect is showing(off). Zip it up.

Glaring at us online from his profile photo, Mr. Ruiz said: "Frum's line of thinking is a perfect example of people who don't understand Latinos pontificating about our inner workings and role in America. Don't listen to Frum. Listen to me. " What machismo!

Wow, I'm convinced! What about you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Is he for real?

I find it interesting that Mr. Frum never mentioned Mr. Ruiz in his article, yet Mr. Ruiz feels compelled to attack Mr. Frum's work. I fear Mr. Ruiz cannot face up to the fact that he might possibly be mistaken about something. Or perhaps be lacking the possession of data to support his position? VERY interesting. Don't you just love reading between the lines?

He also says, while waving his diplomas at us, we are all afraid of the growing Latino population in America. I thought we were all Americans? Darn, and me without my pocket of hyphens to label myself as a Scotch-English-French-Cherokee whatever. I am so diminished!!!

Mr. Frum is no innocent, either. Although he writes in a loose, folksy style, he lacks a sharp focus and tends to wander, leading one to the impression that his tinfoil hat has developed a leak, and that the Alien Mind Control Rays from the Mothership in Area 51 are taking control of his thought processes. Be careful, Mr. Frum. They might REALLY be out to get you! Any high school debate team member or first year law student could rip apart either argument, since both are lacking in substantial visible means of support. No evidentiary support, either. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.

You see, both the Left and the Right, or whatever label you care to paste on the various points of view, have their mobs of torch-waving zealots clinging to their coattails. Lot's of noise, but but not much real thinking taking place. It's just a fact of life in any human enterprise. There are always extremes to any "view". The trick is to find the middle ground of compromise and agreement. Not always easy, in fact it's very difficult. But, it's worth the trouble. More than worth it, it's essential.

So, oh mighty seers of all, sling all the mud you like. We find it enormously entertaining(sez I, as I daub on my face paint and don my fright wig). But keep it within the bounds of reality, please. Yell and shout all you like, but don't set fire to the house. Baby mustn't play with matches! We might find out we can all do without you, then you might have to actually do something REALLY productive.

Your comments, please.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Code Duello

I read conservative blogs. I read liberal blogs. I read international blogs from other countries. I read news from major and minor networks, from Fox to ABC, CBS, NBC, MS NBC, the BBC to Al Jazeera, and more. I've traveled all over the world.

I correspond with people all over the planet in all walks of life. As far as our two major American political "points of view", the Liberal and the Conservative ones(broadly speaking), I've noticed some interesting characteristics.

I am sure there are many differences others can, and will point out. However, it seems to me that there is one major difference between the two that easily emerge when reading or listening to left or right commentators and groups:

The Conservatives tend to be cheerleaders for America, where the Liberals seem to be if not haters, at least broadly disparaging of our country and it's way of life. Not to say that the liberal side are not patriots, or less-than-loyal citizens, not at all. It just seems that the overall impression one gets when reading the works of either side show these characteristics.

For example:

The daily newspaper in my city(there's only one) publishes both the Liberal and the Conservative points of view, on facing pages, everyday. It's funny, but the Liberal side is always on the left side of the paper, and the Conservative side is on the right side. Isn't that interesting? What would happen if they switched the placement of the layout? Put them on the other side? Would people notice? Get incensed, and storm the newspaper offices with torches and pitchforks to protest? Hey, this could be a movie! (Hollywood will do anything for a buck)

Read the left page, the Liberal opinion: Local Editors and "columnists" on the left edge, syndicated ones on the right edge, letters to the editor below the fold on the bottom right. The syndicated columns are usually filled with vitriolic rants and wild-eyed, dire warnings of skulduggery in high places, especially Big Business and others who's success they envy, or who refuse to agree with their worldview. Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, in particular, is one of the worst. Her columns rarely contain much in the way of substance, just the enraged spewing of ink from her pen. It's clear she's reached her dotage, wants what she wants, right now, and hurry it up, serfs. Some of the others who rotate in and out seem to be cut of similar cloth, lots of shouting but little substance. Reality? Forget it, they don't seem to know the concept. Check the facts? No, that would interfere with their snug little world of the weird. Shabby work, in my opinion, but hey, it sells(advertising--remember their true purpose, all ye of the ClearBrainZ).

Now, read the right page: It's the same layout format as the left page. Sure, there's spewing there too, dire warnings of catastrophe, evildoing in high places, etc. But the much more rational and calm. Sure, there are extremes on both sides of this fence, I am sure the nitnoids lurking nearby can cite any number of examples. I'm just talking about the overall impression and sense of civility(or the lack thereof) each side projects.

Note: I'm sure the nitnoids will notice I had lots more to say in my opinion of the "left" than the right. I just got on a roll....sorry. We must be equal, always(you don't really believe THAT tripe, do you?) I promised to avoid appearing "politically correct" in this endeavour, and so I intend to remain. Who came up with that garbage, anyway?

The protesters and "radicals" of the 1960's and '70's are now the "respected journalists" of today. Of course, the list of true "respected journalists" is extremely short....and not germane to this discussion. It's a fiction, anyway, created by themselves. But it's not just the reporters, it's the producers, writers, directors, newspaper editors, and the owners of the media who drive the news feeds you see. It's why the "mainstream media" is largely left-leaning. It's where the money is, and they always follow the money. Remember, use your ClearBrainZ and keep in mind that the business of news organizations is to sell advertising and make money. They themselves are a "Big Business" just like the others they so often disparage and sometimes viciously attack. After all, who's going attack them? They buy their ink "by the barrel" !

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

Reality check:

This one is highly subjective and murky to say the least. I would propose that the one you select is a personal choice, and what makes you feel comfortable. I urge you to stretch your perspectives, and examine in detail both sides of the issues.

It will be worth your time. You may not be as comfortable afterwards, but at least you will have a better grasp, I hope, of reality as we can best determine it. It's a complicated world, and although simplistic solutions may be very attractive when approaching the resolution of a difficult problem or issue, it is rarely effective. Almost never, in fact. The REAL REALITY here, is that all of the issues and problems facing our nation, and our planet, will require hard work, applied intelligence, sacrifice, innovation, and many other inputs too numerous to mention here. It certainly won't be simple.

So, where are we? Lost in the ozone? Adrift in indecision? That's the choice we must each make for ourselves.

Left or Right, both are Right and Wrong, but all is not lost. Remember that thing called a "compromise"? It used to be pretty common in Congress, but seems to have fallen out of favor. Perhaps it's time we dust it off and put it back to work. Some of our best accomplishments have come from it.

Your comments, please.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Immigration Reform: For Real or just Politics as usual?

There is so much material to examine concerning this subject that it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. Let's open this can of worms and see if we can untangle it to sort out the fact from the fiction.

There is no doubt that immigration reform and enforcement, border control, and "guest worker" policies and laws are politically a "hot potato". Every politician alive wants to avoid being perceived as "wrong" about anything, and no issue is so big that they won't ignore it as long as possible. And God forbid that some "activist" tar them with the "race card". Heavens, they might lose their coveted membership in the World's Most Exclusive Club! I'm speaking of Congress, for those less ClearbrainZ'd who might miss the irony.

A lot of "immigrant's rights", "migrant workers rights", and other similar groups have emerged all over the country. Of course, the part of their name and manifesto they conveniently left out is the "illegal" part. That they represent illegal migrants is somehow "overlooked" by themselves(on purpose) and the media("The producer says you can't say that!"). A recent protest in Illinois by local activists protesting the deportment of 67 Mexican nationals resulted in several arrests, notably that of Joshua Hoyt, director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. He told a reporter for the Chicago Tribune:"There is now a racial reign of terror spreading across the country and it has to be stopped!"

Really? A Reign of Terror? Can we get tickets?
You have to laugh, and wonder how long he's been off his medications. I've been looking for this "Reign of Terror" that is lapping at our chins, but I can't seem to find any evidence of it that isn't manufactured from whole cloth by someone.

Hey, Mr. Tribune Reporter, did you check the background of this Mr. Hoyt before you ran with the story? Where did he come from? What are his "qualifications"(aside from the Big Mouth) to dictate policy to the rest of us? What is his source of funding? Do you even care?

I guess I'll have to save a discussion of Lazy Journalism for another post.

Of course, this next point is fun: Mexico has rather draconian penalties and laws concerning illegal entry to THEIR country, yet Mexican President Felipe Calderon has loudly objected to efforts to control our borders or stem the flow of illegal immigrants from Mexico. He has vociferously objected to Arizona's recent passage of a state law allowing officers to question someones status, incidental to a lawful stop or arrest. Remember though, those remittances all the illegals send back to Mexico are a significant part of their economy....billions of dollars. He doesn't want the flow of Yankee money interrupted. His country is teetering on the brink of collapse and civil war as we speak.

Time to ClearYourBrainZ!

What shall we do? Something....anything....we are doing NOTHING right now. Even the high-tech border "fence" has been stopped. It's time to face reality, get tough, roll up our sleeves and secure the borders, just for the first step. Let's plug the leaks, then we'll worry about how to get the water out. Our Citizens are dying at the hand of illegals and drug cartels. When will it be enough that we will act?

Next, enforce the law! Hammer the crap out of ANY employer caught using illegals as a work force. Dry up the jobs, deny the "welfare" to illegals, be firm but not hateful. Just ensure that they KNOW they are unwelcome here, are breaking the law, and should go home. Remember, THEY ARE NOT U.S. CITIZENS! If they want to follow the law and immigrate, fine. We will welcome them, we are a nation of immigrants. But they must be willing to become Americans, and leave the baggage of their old lands behind in the dustbin of history, where it belongs. Once you take that oath as an American Citizen, your future and your honor lie with the United States of America. Multiculturalism is for Europe...and we all know what's happening there. Our strength as a country comes from the melting pot of peoples who come here to make a new life, and will defend it. We are one tribe here....American.....ornery, stubborn, proud, free. If you don't want to be a part of that, stay home.

Have we managed to ClearOurBrainZ ? Let's see:

Secure the borders.
Enforce the laws we already have. No questions asked.
Dry up the sources of money and benefits for illegals.
Tell Mexico to take a flying leap, and get their OWN house in order. How many times have we kicked their butts?
Take a long, hard look at our immigration policies and laws. It could be more efficient and realistic.

We must act, or become a third-world country ourselves. Common sense, reality, adults in charge, all will contribute to a solution. Are we up to the challenge?

Your comments, please.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Our vaunted Attorney General, Eric Holder, apparently has a lot of concerns about Arizona's new state law enforcing EXISTING Federal immigration law.....EXCEPT HE SAYS HE HASN'T READ IT YET!!! Come on Mr. AG, it's only about 10 pages long and written in pretty plain English. Surely you can find the time to peruse such a small document, especially since your Boss is so "inflamed" about it.

Here are the words of our Beloved AG: "I've just expressed concerns on the basis of what I've heard about the law. But I'm not in a position to say at this point, not having read the law, not having had the chance to interact with people are doing the review, exactly what my position is," Mr. Holder told the House Judiciary Committee.

I'm REAL GLAD you are not MY attorney! Perhaps, Mr. AG, you should find out the score before you go shooting your mouth off. As we say here in the South:"That dog won't hunt!" If you don't have time to find out the facts first, you need a new staff....or perhaps you should fire yourself for incompetency. Be sure and read the personnel guidelines first.....we wouldn't want a REAL LAWYER to tag you out for violating procedures or something else equally obscure.

Time to ClearYourBrainZ !!!

Reality check: This is the caliber of people we are allowing to govern us and operate our government agencies. This current Administration is very young, but already has been tarred with lots of high-profile uh-ohs. Have you noted the coverage by the mainstream media? The bias is almost laughable. Can you say soft-pedaled? Unless it's the current minority opposition involved, of course, then it's shouted from the rooftops! Inexperience, immaturity, and buffoonery abound at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest. Where are the adults?

Let's try to ClearOurBrainZ:

How can we determine the reality? Find out the facts by reading the legislation. Mr. AG!!! Pay attention, there will be a pop quiz at your next news conference.

Profiling???I think not....Cops do it every day, it goes like this:"Look, a thug(turd, slime, crook, weasel, bad guy)...what's he doing? I know him, I've locked him up 50 times." Is this profiling, folks? Nope, just common sense. If it looks like a thug, acts like a thug, talks and walks like a thug.....there's a pretty good chance it's a thug. Race never enters the picture(until the media and politicians arrive). Just good police work. Reasonable suspicion leads to probable cause leads to an arrest(perhaps)....all of which must be articulated by the officer(s) in their reports and testimony. The rest is up to the courts.

Critics of the Arizona law are saying it gives the police the power to stop those they suspect are in the country illegally and is bound to lead to profiling. IT DOESN'T SAY THAT IN THE LAW!!!

All kinds of big mouths are shouting about "profiling" and other "discriminatory" actions that MIGHT take place. Not one has, the law's not even in effect yet. Is is profiling to be asked for ID? Can you define reasonable suspicion and probable cause? Give examples? Most likely not, and neither can the Big Mouths(small brain variety). Wait and see what happens, THEN we can talk about changes to the law, or a repeal.

Race is not the issue here, as much as the race hustlers would like us to believe that it is. No issue, no job.....that's their concern. Sure there are some "ethical" people who are beating this same drum, but practically all of them are as ill-informed as our AG.

The reality is, neighbors, that the Federal Government has failed to protect the People of this country from "enemies" as required by the Constitution and their oaths of office. The Federal Government has failed to secure our borders. Arizona was forced to act in the face of an unrelenting, violent invasion of their State by foreign nationals. Americans are being killed and injured by these invaders at an alarming rate, yet our Great Leaders do nothing. Oh, they are prevaricating up a storm, but they aren't doing anything. Except, planning to "promote a path to legalization" which, translated, means: "They will all vote for us if we help them out!"

We would never accept or tolerate an invasion by armed forces from another country, why should we, or the people of Arizona, accept an invasion of foreign nationals from the failed narco-state immediately to our south? Or anywhere?


Take control of your Government at the polls and let's all face reality together! We may get our hands and clothes a little dirty, but hard work sometimes goes that way. Nothing will happen unless we do something. I'm sure we will make mistakes. If it's wrong, we'll fix it....but we must get started now.