Saturday, June 19, 2010

Invasion USA

The Chuck Norris movie, depicting a mass of terrorists attacking the US, was fiction.

The novel by author William W. Johnstone, is fiction.

The closure of 5 federal land areas on our southern border to the public, is FACT. It's happened.

Violent drug traffickers and Mexican drug cartels have taken over these areas, along with the human smugglers bringing illegal immigrants across our borders in a ceaseless flow.

Escorted by squads of automatic weapons-bearing thugs, truckloads of drugs and people are entering our country in droves.

Law enforcement officers are being killed.

Citizens and landowners are being killed.

People who live in these areas are living in fear of their lives.

Our country is being invaded by criminals and thugs, with the apparent complicity of the Mexican government. At the very least, Mexico is doing little to stop the flow.

Here's what's happening RIGHT NOW !

1) About 3,500 acres of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, closed.

2) At Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, which shares a 32-mile stretch of the border with Mexico, visitors are warned on a federally-run website that some areas are not accessible by anyone.

"Due to our proximity to the International Boundary with Mexico, some areas near the border are closed for construction and visitor safety concerns."--Organ Pipe Cactus NPS website

3) Ironwood Forest National Monument, a 129,000-acre federal parkland in the Sonoran Desert, visitors are warned of dangerous illegal activity in the area. The federal NPS website for Ironwood Forest NM says "look for fast-moving vehicles and pedestrians on back roads."

4) Dennis Godfrey, a spokesman for the Bureau of Land Management's Arizona office, said roughly a dozen signs were posted earlier this month along the Sonoran Desert National Monument advising that travel in the area is not recommended due to "active drug and human" smuggling.--Fox News

5) Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge and the Coronado National Forest, which covers nearly 1.8 million acres in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, too dangerous to use.

The federal government, and the Department of the Interior, say they have no plans to re-take or reopen these areas.

They have effectively ceded these lands, part of the sovereign territory of the United States of America, to Mexican drug lords and bands of illegal immigrant smugglers.

The hands of local and state law enforcement and the Border Patrol are tied. Federal rangers and the Forest Service, and the Department of the Interior are only allowing law enforcement and the Border Patrol to enter these areas on foot or horseback. This is to protect the environment and preserve these fragile areas, they say. Of course, the bad guys, the drug smugglers and the human traffickers, ignore this like they ignore the rest of our laws, roaring north in rugged off-road vehicles, escorted by thugs armed with automatic weapons. Even the illegals entering on foot these days are often escorted by armed "coyotes".

Kind of makes it hard for the "good guys" to do their jobs, don't you think?

No, really? Ya think?

Invasion USA.

More and more areas, further inland, 30, 50, 80, 100 miles north of the border, are being invaded. Lawlessness is becoming pervasive. People are afraid. People are being killed, gunned down by thugs who flee back to Mexico.

They need our help.

However, all is not lost, in spite of how bad it sounds! Help is on the way!

Our government is responding!

They are sending 1500 clerks in National Guard uniforms to do paperwork. Hurrah!

They are filing lawsuits against the state of Arizona to keep them from enforcing the law. Hurrah!

They are announcing their plans against Arizona in foreign countries before informing Arizona, or us....thanks, Madam Secretary.

They are applauding the President of Mexico for telling us how terrible we are. Hurrah!

They are grandstanding on television and across the media spectrum every day, showing us all that they are in charge. Hurrah!

They are thumbing their noses at their oaths of office, and the Constitution.

Their motto seems to be: "No problem is too large to be ignored, and it will go away if we ignore it long enough."

Somehow, I don't think this will work. I can hear the defenders of the Alamo spinning in their graves all the way up here in Tennessee.

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

What is the reality here?

Our federal officials have failed to protect and defend the United States of America as required by their oaths of office. And, as required by the people of this nation.

Failed. Not misspoke, misstepped, or erred, but FAILED! We need some new blood in these positions, and as the Duke would have said:"We're burnin' daylight!" Time is running out for us to act.

Soon, we will be left with no choice but to take military action to reclaim our land. We need to move now to stop this invasion, and move forcefully. With overwhelming strength. No one, not one drug lord, gangster, coyote, or illegal immigrant, no terrorist infiltrator, should be left with any doubt as to our resolve and commitment to defend the territory of the United States of America. There should be no doubt that we control our borders.

We need to get tough.
We need to get mean.
We need to face reality.

That our government is tacitly accepting this situation is totally unacceptable.

Call your Congressman.
Call your Senator.
Email them.
Write them.
Write the White House, the Department of the Interior, the Forest Service.

Demand that they do their job. Demand that they reclaim our lands.
Raise hell. That is what it will take. They are afraid of us, afraid we will fire their butts.

They are right.

Perform or perish, ye elected and appointed ones.

Your comments, please.

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