So, we have teachers who are telling our children that the US is evil and Mexico is good? That California is occupied Mexico and doesn't belong to the United States?
Using their position as a platform for politics?
Telling students to ignore or refuse to obey the law?
No wonder California is full of crooks and gang-bangers. They learn it in school. And it's all funded by our tax dollars! What a deal!
I guess that kind of work is a good deal, if you can stomach it....and have no scruples.
"A video posted on YouTube shows LA social studies teacher Jose Lara interviewing teachers and students on May 28 at the headquarters of an organization calling for a Mexican revolution on U.S. soil. Soon after he shot the video, many in the group left for an overnight "freedom ride" to Phoenix to protest what Lara tells the camera is a "racist and outrageous" law."
"Four days later, the school board president implored the superintendent of schools to ensure that students in the district be taught that Arizona's law is "un-American" and Jim Crow-like. The law, passed in April, empowers law enforcement officials to question the immigration status of people they think may be in the country illegally."
"Lara, who made the video, teaches at the Unified School District's Santee Education Complex with Ron Gochez, another social studies teacher who came under fire last month after he was identified making incendiary remarks in a widely circulated YouTube video that shows him speaking at a 2007 rally for La Raza, a revolutionary group calling for Mexican revolt inside the United States."
"In that video, Gochez referred to Americans as "frail, racist, white people, and to California as "stolen, occupied Mexico." The video's posting led to a groundswell of anger and a flood of calls for Gochez's firing, but a school district investigation found him fit to continue teaching history to public school students."
"Both Lara and Gochez are active in numerous revolutionary groups, including Union Del Barrio, a La Raza organization that Gochez helped establish across the street from Santee High School."--Fox Nation
For you fact-checkers, I did research this story across many sources, from the mainstream media to the tinfoil hat crowd. The reports on the basic story were all the same, after I subtracted the usual bias and slant inherent in those kinds of sources.
So, this self-professed Marxist, racist, reconquistadore, fifth-columnist, communistic socialist pillar of the community, is just exercising his right to free speech. That's okay. We can exercise our right to ignore him. At least, until he tries to put his words into deeds. THEN, we can judge him....according to the law for which he has such contempt. I don't see anyone holding a gun on him to make him live here. If you, as a US Citizen, cross the line to become a revolutionary, a traitor to your country, the USA, Sir, you will have to be ready to pay the price. If you are lucky, you will just be found guilty of treason and sent away for a long stay in a comfortable prison.
If you're lucky.
Whew! That was quite a rant, you say. Yes, it was written that way on purpose. I wanted to get your attention, to show how easy it is to veer off into emotional rhetoric. Did it work?
This situation in California is but one example of the kind of things happening in our schools today. I'm sure any of you could cite many more. This example above is just one of the most visible and blatant. They can't even discipline or fire the guy! What a system!
For the ClearBrainZ:
To the (hopefully) concerned Parents of children in this school system: You could bulldoze these idiots right out of your schools, and your school boards and administrations, by following some simple rules.
Leave out the emotion.
Get the facts.
Face the reality.
Determine the solution(s).
Try again if you fail, until you get it right.
Be relentless, but patient.
Repeat as necessary.
They wouldn't stand a chance.
Your comments, please.
1 comment:
Preach it, brother!
As an educator *ahem* I try really hard to bring a pro-American, conservative slant to my classroom atmosphere. I've had several students and a set of parents thank me for that. One battle at a time.
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