Everyone is very upset over the recent oil spill, still ongoing in the Gulf. The demands of many to stop all offshore development of our petroleum resources is understandable.
But it won't solve our problems. We must have energy to grow, nay, just to survive. Where are we supposed to get that energy? That petroleum we MUST HAVE for our industries, our industrial feed stocks, and our future growth? From other countries? Many of which are hostile to us, or so unstable themselves that energy production is difficult, sporadic, or impossible? Are we to stand, hat in hand, politely asking for the resources we need to survive?
We are headed there, it seems. Our elected leaders are taking us there rapidly. All you have to do is watch or read the news, and you will see it happening. The drilling moratorium now in effect is driving oil production out of American waters. Jobs are being lost, never to be recovered, at least not for several years, perhaps decades. You see, oil production is a long-term process. It takes years to get to the point of actual production of petroleum. Years!
If we drive production away from the Gulf, it will take YEARS before it can be re-started. The economic impact will be tremendous. Jobs, high-paying jobs, lost. Soaring energy costs--heating oil, gasoline, diesel, industrial feed stocks--all will increase in cost--a lot.
We are in big trouble.
Short-sighted political types are making idiotic decisions that are impractical and just plain stupid. We are like sheep following the Judas goat to slaughter. Lots of bleating, but not much brains. We must not be stampeded into killing oil production in this nation. We need it too badly. Our economy needs it. We will wither on the vine without it, literally. Even our food production relies on energy. The huge farms and food factories that feed us must have energy. Where is it to come from? Right now, that means oil. We don't have anything else ready to go. We will in the future, but right now we have to have petroleum.
And who is to blame?
We are. We elect the rascals. Shall we blame them when they act like rascals and idiots? We put them there. We wanted change. Or a majority of us did, according to the results of the last election in 2008.
We got it. But is isn't exactly what we had in mind, is it?
Not what those who voted for the current regime had in mind, I feel safe to say. The recent results of mid-term elections, and the election of a conservative Republican to Ted Kennedy's senate seat seem to foretell more change. Does it seem that way to you?
Back to the subject: Energy. Where is it to come from, and how are we to produce it in the quantities our civilization requires now, and in the future? And, how are we going to meet these needs without poisoning our planet and thereby extinguishing ourselves? Or descending into war to ravage each other over the leavings?
I see only one solution.
We cannot, at this stage in our technological development, manage closed fuel cycles in any form of energy production. We just don't know how to do it....yet. Until we learn, we need to take steps to keep from killing ourselves by inches. That's what's happening right now. We are fouling our own nest. Rapidly.
We must have energy, and heavy industry, but we can't live with the by-products, wastes, and the pollution that they will produce. There are just too many people on the planet, folks. Do the math. We are quickly reaching a point where it will be a very nasty place to live. Is that what we want? Of course not!
ClearYourBrainZ !
Reality check: We need energy. Lot's of it. We need industry, resources, and lebensraum. Especially the latter....you can only put so many rats in a box until they turn and consume each other.
Move energy production and heavy industry off the planet. It's our only long-term and feasible option. Granted, we are in the infancy of any space industry. We don't have efficient and affordable lift capacity, though we are making progress with our fledgling commercial space flight operations. It will continue to get cheaper and more developed.
The demand, which is what drives business, is there, and will accelerate. As competition increases, costs will drop.
Dreaming, just dreaming, you say.
It's happening. Go find out.
It just looks far away, but it's closer than you think. And, it's the future. We only have so many resources on this planet. We either go to space and expand, or we reach the point where everything falls apart. That simple. We either go find the resources we need, or spiral downward to a subsistence level. Civilization most likely won't survive the plunge, almost certain.
We could accomplish the above in a generation, perhaps two. Perhaps less, properly motivated.
The choice is ours. We are capable of doing what needs to be done.
Will we, that is the question.
Your comments, please.
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