Friday, May 28, 2010

We The Sheeple

His Esteemed Excellence El Presidente Oharma has hereby decreed today that he is seizing the reins of the oil spill response in the Gulf of Mexico, saying Thursday that Washington is calling the shots even though it needs to rely on BP's expertise.

"I take responsibility. It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down," said His Excellency. I guess we know where to lay the blame, then?

Okay, I'm making fun of something that's pretty serious. But you have to just bust out laughing at the ridiculous posturing of many of our anointed ones now and then. It's good for you.

We've already seen the expensive junketing and "showing of resolve", whatever, by Napalitano and Salazar, of course accompanied by several Senators. Flying over the spill area and coastlines, copping soundbites, covering their butts. All at our expense. How much did this little excursion cost us, Ms. Napalitano? Did you eat at M'D's or at the gourmet restaurant? How much?

How many other unproductive drones have jumped on this greasy gravy train? Thousands, I'd guess.

I remind you that we, our government, are broke. Deeply in debt. Remember the rule of the successful budget:

1. Determine how much you have.

2. Spend less than that.

Not rocket science, is it?

More chuckles:

There's the recent "outing" of the Department of Interior's move to permanently lock up 13 million acres of land in southwestern US, mostly in Arizona. What a surprise! Not really, it's what we have come to expect from our unresponsive, uncaring government. Asked for information on this plan, the Interior Department refused, REFUSED, I say, to answer questions or release information to our members of Congress. Our own government agencies are refusing to answer for their actions!

Who is in charge? No one seems to know. Here's what the Interior Department spokesperson had to say:
"This is an on-going process," Kendra Barkoff wrote. "We may supplement this response as the process is concluded."--Fox News

We may? WE MAY? What kind of idiots are running that asylum? What arrogance! Where is the oversight? Don't these folks work for us?

Public Servant has effectively and for all practical purposes, come to mean Public Master. I guess you know where that leaves us peons, huh? The only reason we still have any freedom left at all, is because we are armed. And so, those who would subdue us are still afraid we might resist. Forcefully.

That would be correct. Oh, it will most likely never come to battles in the street, armed insurrection, and so on. The fringe "militia" groups are just a sideshow, and no real threat so long as the people still support the government.

But what happens when our own troops and police are ordered to use force against their neighbors? They will surely refuse. We hope. Maybe.

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

Reality check:

We are in charge, albeit our grasp on power is weakening.

We can still make a difference at the ballot box.

We are still all Americans. Forget the hyphens. American, or not. One people. It's okay to have pride in your ancestral heritage, but it's history. Not the future, and certainly not the present. Look forward, not back.

We are tough. Tough enough to do hard, dirty jobs, and succeed.

We can still vote.

We can still speak freely, without the secret police showing up to "disappear" us. Within reason, of course. You can't shout "FIRE" in a crowded theater. Unless there really IS a fire. Or unless you refuse to buy the government-mandated health insurance. Or arouse the ire of the dictator. Or his minions, of whom there are many.

Logic and reason are our best weapons. The lie will fall before force of the truth. Even children understand this. The day of "The Big Lie" as a political tool is done. Everyone laughs at you when you try to use it now.

So, what's the answer? You decide. I certainly don't have answers to these questions. I can work with you to find out, though. The answers will come, but it will take a lot of work. Hard work. Dirty work we won't like. But necessary.

Your comments, please.

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