Saturday, May 15, 2010

Immigration Reform: For Real or just Politics as usual?

There is so much material to examine concerning this subject that it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. Let's open this can of worms and see if we can untangle it to sort out the fact from the fiction.

There is no doubt that immigration reform and enforcement, border control, and "guest worker" policies and laws are politically a "hot potato". Every politician alive wants to avoid being perceived as "wrong" about anything, and no issue is so big that they won't ignore it as long as possible. And God forbid that some "activist" tar them with the "race card". Heavens, they might lose their coveted membership in the World's Most Exclusive Club! I'm speaking of Congress, for those less ClearbrainZ'd who might miss the irony.

A lot of "immigrant's rights", "migrant workers rights", and other similar groups have emerged all over the country. Of course, the part of their name and manifesto they conveniently left out is the "illegal" part. That they represent illegal migrants is somehow "overlooked" by themselves(on purpose) and the media("The producer says you can't say that!"). A recent protest in Illinois by local activists protesting the deportment of 67 Mexican nationals resulted in several arrests, notably that of Joshua Hoyt, director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. He told a reporter for the Chicago Tribune:"There is now a racial reign of terror spreading across the country and it has to be stopped!"

Really? A Reign of Terror? Can we get tickets?
You have to laugh, and wonder how long he's been off his medications. I've been looking for this "Reign of Terror" that is lapping at our chins, but I can't seem to find any evidence of it that isn't manufactured from whole cloth by someone.

Hey, Mr. Tribune Reporter, did you check the background of this Mr. Hoyt before you ran with the story? Where did he come from? What are his "qualifications"(aside from the Big Mouth) to dictate policy to the rest of us? What is his source of funding? Do you even care?

I guess I'll have to save a discussion of Lazy Journalism for another post.

Of course, this next point is fun: Mexico has rather draconian penalties and laws concerning illegal entry to THEIR country, yet Mexican President Felipe Calderon has loudly objected to efforts to control our borders or stem the flow of illegal immigrants from Mexico. He has vociferously objected to Arizona's recent passage of a state law allowing officers to question someones status, incidental to a lawful stop or arrest. Remember though, those remittances all the illegals send back to Mexico are a significant part of their economy....billions of dollars. He doesn't want the flow of Yankee money interrupted. His country is teetering on the brink of collapse and civil war as we speak.

Time to ClearYourBrainZ!

What shall we do? Something....anything....we are doing NOTHING right now. Even the high-tech border "fence" has been stopped. It's time to face reality, get tough, roll up our sleeves and secure the borders, just for the first step. Let's plug the leaks, then we'll worry about how to get the water out. Our Citizens are dying at the hand of illegals and drug cartels. When will it be enough that we will act?

Next, enforce the law! Hammer the crap out of ANY employer caught using illegals as a work force. Dry up the jobs, deny the "welfare" to illegals, be firm but not hateful. Just ensure that they KNOW they are unwelcome here, are breaking the law, and should go home. Remember, THEY ARE NOT U.S. CITIZENS! If they want to follow the law and immigrate, fine. We will welcome them, we are a nation of immigrants. But they must be willing to become Americans, and leave the baggage of their old lands behind in the dustbin of history, where it belongs. Once you take that oath as an American Citizen, your future and your honor lie with the United States of America. Multiculturalism is for Europe...and we all know what's happening there. Our strength as a country comes from the melting pot of peoples who come here to make a new life, and will defend it. We are one tribe here....American.....ornery, stubborn, proud, free. If you don't want to be a part of that, stay home.

Have we managed to ClearOurBrainZ ? Let's see:

Secure the borders.
Enforce the laws we already have. No questions asked.
Dry up the sources of money and benefits for illegals.
Tell Mexico to take a flying leap, and get their OWN house in order. How many times have we kicked their butts?
Take a long, hard look at our immigration policies and laws. It could be more efficient and realistic.

We must act, or become a third-world country ourselves. Common sense, reality, adults in charge, all will contribute to a solution. Are we up to the challenge?

Your comments, please.

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