Thursday, May 20, 2010

East Meets West: We both get lucky.

Finding the reality in human relations is extremely difficult, if not impossible. But today we will take a swing at it just the same.

Chinese and American relations have undergone a vast evolution in our lifetimes. The later half of the 20th century in the development of China, and it's relationship to the rest of the world, would be beyond the scope of this discussion, so we will confine ourselves to some of the relationships of China, meaning mainland China, the People's Republic of China, and the USA, as they are today.

Being the spouse of a Chinese national has given me a surprising view of modern China and it's people. You soon find that people everywhere are very like your neighbors in your home country. The value the same things, like family, peace, good food, their health, and the future of their children.

When I married into a Chinese family, I was welcomed into the family formally as their "new son" and gained much more than the love of my wife--I gained a new family, a very close one. Family is EVERYTHING in China....something we seem to have forgotten here in our own country.

Yes, there are differences. There are some things we find it hard to understand about each other's culture and system of beliefs. However, it's been my experience that we "ordinary" people have no trouble whatsoever in becoming friends and living together without conflicts. Everywhere I went in China, I have been welcomed and made to feel at home. You would never know you were in a "communist" country. It's like any nation, there are problems there just as there are here in the USA. No big deal, that's life, always something unexpected to deal with. Just a fact of life. Get over it.

More trouble is made by those "in charge" on both sides than is ever desired by the people of either nation, who just want to be left alone to live their lives without trouble. Unfortunately, many of those who govern us seem to have an overwhelming desire to maintain control and direct our affairs to their own benefit. Human nature, I guess. There will always be those among us who seek to dominate us. The trick is to ensure they do no harm. History is rife with megalomaniacs, petty dictators, and outright crooks. They all meet the same end, sooner or later. Ashes to ashes, etc...

Read the news and opinion columns from China and America. You will soon see that there is lots to keep your intellect engaged. The are some very insightful and thought provoking writers plying their trade in the PRC today. Freedom of the press, you say? The Internet has broken down most of those doors, and even the CCP, the government of China, has realized that the genie will never return to the bottle. All they, and we, can do is to hold on for the ride. It's already beyond our control.

There have been more changes in the past 5 years in China than in the preceding 50 years in this regard. Even concepts that were previously thought impossible are emerging: Private property, free market economics, reforms in education, the list goes on. Communist, you say? More like a union card, these days. Corruption, you say? We have just as much. Crime? They seem to have less. Certainty of punishment is very real there. Here, not so much.

As an outsider, it is not my place to criticize any policy or point fingers in regards to how the Chinese people chose to conduct their internal affairs. As Mark Twain once said, "People get the kind of government they deserve." Well, the kind of life the Chinese people think they deserve is changing relatively quickly. It's their business, and we should butt out.

Most officials and so-called "experts" here in the US don't have a clue as to what is going on in China today, and aren't smart enough, or care enough, to find out. Most of them still think the Cold War is still underway. They just keep plodding away on the same old path. They just can't seem to accept that the world has left them behind and no longer needs nor wants their services, at least not the way they are currently delivering them. Just listen to their statements and view their actions. They are hopelessly obsolete. Adapt, or perish, ye denizens of Foggy Bottom. You counterparts are already ahead of you in this regard.

I would urge you to visit some Chinese opinion blogs, and find out more. Here's some to get you started:

This will get you started, but I warn you; it's like eating potato chips, you won't be able to stop! There are some really talented people writing in China today. Explore other places, this is just the starting point. It will be worth your time. China is our largest trading partner, and largest potential market as well. Plus, we own them a lot of money, ha,ha. Give it some time, when you can.

Oh, by the way, it's in English. You can even post comments.

Time to ClearOurBrainZ !

What is the reality in today's post? It's that none of us, no matter how powerful we think we are, can stop the will of the human species to evolve. We can tilt at windmills all we like, but the forces are mostly beyond our control, or even our understanding. Mostly, we should just mind our own business and take care of our own problems. It's more than enough to keep us busy for a long time. The people of China are perfectly capable of dealing with their problems, and we should butt out, unless they ask for our help. We will certainly need their help one day, sure as the sun rises and sets.

Someday our descendants will look back into history, and marvel at our stupidity and pettiness. At least, I hope they will....if we survive as a species. I think we will. I'm sure our distant descendants will be both amused and disbelieving. Lots of us already are, right now! Sometimes I think the mediocre shall inherit the Earth!

Your comments, please.

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