Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Intifada Comes To America

A Mexican teenager was killed by a US Border Patrol agent Tuesday night after the agents came under assault by a stone-throwing crowd while apprehending persons crossing the border illegally.

Sounds a lot like Palestine, doesn't it?

This is a common occurrence for Border Patrol agents, said T.J.
Bonner, president of the union representing Border Patrol agents. "Rock throwing aimed at BorderPatrol agents is common and capable of causing serious injury."
"It is a deadly force encounter, one that justifies the use of deadly force," Bonner said.-- Fox News

We don't really know what happened there in the riverbed of the Rio Grande river yesterday. All we know is what the media is reporting. NPR News delivered a story on this, describing the US Border Patrol agents as "surrounded" by a group of people throwing stones.

You can read the story on this incident published by the Mexican media here. It's in Spanish, you can translate it with your browser. Notice the slant and bias in stories from all the various media outlets, both here and in Mexico, and abroad. All have a different "take" on the story.

The FBI is investigating. If the agent acted wrongly, he will pay the price. He will pay the price even if he acted correctly; he has to live with the fact that he took a life. Right or wrong, the agent will carry that grief to his grave. No one will "win" in a situation like this.

Our nation bears responsibility here also. We have failed to secure our borders, we have failed to reach an agreement on immigration issues, and we have failed to enforce our own laws regarding the same. There are no easy or simple answers to this situation in which we are currently embroiled.

It's past time we get to work.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon said Tuesday that his government "will use all resources available to protect the rights of Mexican migrants."

And what "rights" would those be, sir? Are they US Citizens?


Okay, we will "read them their rights" after they are caught illegally present in OUR country:

"You have the right to be arrested, because you broke the law."
"You have the right to be detained, then deported, because you broke the law."
"You have the right to apply to enter our country legally, and be welcome here."

That is the common-sense, conservative version.

Here's the version I see coming from the left:

"You have the right to enter our country at will."
"You have the right to free medical care, welfare, and education for your children."
"You have the right to thumb your nose at our laws, and demand your "rights". A large number of "advocates" stand ready to assist you. "

To our Mexican neighbors:

Our sincerest sympathies for the family of this young man who died Tuesday. His loss will be forever felt by his family and friends.

President Calderon, please don't throw gasoline on this fire. Come to the table and let us work together to craft a solution to our mutual border and immigration problems. Our peoples are neighbors, we need to work this out without more bloodshed. I would tell you to clean your own house before criticizing how dirty your neighbor's home is, Sir. It is often said that "Good fences make good neighbors." There's a bit of truth in that, but working together makes BETTER neighbors.

Will you take that step?

Time to ClearOurBrainz !

Do we want our border situation to degenerate into what exists in the Middle East?

NO ? YES ?

We'd better get to work, and right now, or that's what will happen.

It's already begun.

Contact your Representative. Contact your Senator. Make your voice heard, loud and often. Demand action. They will listen, or we will replace them with someone who will. It's our choice to make.

What will you do?

Your comments, please.

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